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  • Location
    South Staffs
  • Interests
    Fishing, industrial archaelogy, history.
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Gongoozler (1/12)



  1. True. If the local fishing club find out, they'll probably put the fees up!
  2. Well thats your decision Opted out - who am I to argue with you? I pay for Buckingham Palace - dont think they'll let me in though unless I fulfill certain criteria. I suggest you join the local Usergroup and make approaches there or continue lobbying BW or even the local MP. Good luck.
  3. we have an added 'nuisance' on the Staffs and Worcs canal in Wombourne in the form of 150+ (yes 150+) female joggers who make their way at various speeds along the towpath. Some are jogging, some walking and talking. All though pound up the towpath which is great and all that but when you're grabbing a few hours fishing on a beautiful summers evening, the approach of this group does put a damper on your eve. Last time it took them 15 minutes to pass through. I dont mind this really but you do think, 'Hang on a bit, I pay to sit here and this group probably do more wear and tear to the towpath than any other individual activity on that stretch. Beware the running clubs!!! coming to a canal near you soon!!!
  4. Think it would depend on the water. Pike on the Broads, Barbel from the middle severn and Chub from the Staffs & Worcs canal between Swindon and Botterham.
  5. Sorry, probably not too clear. The water wasn't 12" above the towpath but rose up and over the towpath. A rise of about 12" in total. On more than one occasion, during torrential rain fall (June 2007 for example) the water rose up and over the towpath at the Tipton portal within 20 minutes. The rise was so quick that trips were suspended as the tripboats would have been unable to gain access to some parts of the system. There probably are photos as it was in a peak part of the season. Yes its a large 'pound' at this level however the water outfall is to Parkhead via a narrow tunnel in one direction and Lordwards canal to Dudley old line(via another gauging section 7ft wide)) so the rise was very localised and subsided within 30mins as I recall. Opted out - page 2, bottom comment - you used the word conspiracy, although not directly implying, but your tones certainly lean that way throughout the whole thread. I also dont understand the 'The organizations you list as having an input into the tunnel really explains it all' comment. I'm just throwing some info around as I see it. Have you approached DCT directly and asked if they would take your boat through to Castlemill basin? They have the right to refuse if you boat doesn't pass under the gauge, but you can always ask. Cant believe that DCT do not gauge at Parkhead for a tow through from end as this as this would suggest you can only travel in one direction, and I know for a fact this is not the case. I think though that everyboat is assessed individually and you cannot assume that what went for one vessel wouldn't go for another. The accuracy of the gauges is always a topic of conversation. What you have to remember is that the gauge, at either end, is approx. 1inch wide whereas most boats are between 35 - 70ft (a generalism I know). The tunnel is not straight, and in more than one position there are outcrops of rock (its not lined all the way through) and kinks in the tunnels' construction. The gauges try to take this in to account which is why some may think they are too low. This question has been raised at DCT AGM's in the recent past and the accuracy has been looked in to. They are a fair guide, but I'm sure DCT are always assessing any comments - it would be suicidal for them if they didn't.
  6. I dont think you could ever accuse DCT and BW as being in a conspiracy together. As I seem to recall DCT have been nothing but a pain in the a**e to BW (and its predessors) since the early 60's. The tunnel is under the guardianship of BW, Dudley MBC and DCT - all concerns ploughing considerable sums of £££ and in DCT's case many (10,000's +) voluntary man / woman hours. Its possible to have this forum thread because the tunnel still survives and is navigable, albeit to the more traditionally shaped vessels (think square peg, round hole). Why would DCT want to stop Joe Public, canal enthusiasts and caving / geology groups going in when they've spent the past 40+ years trying to keep the thing open? It doen't add up sorry. There, I feel much better now!! Can I offer some ideas / thoughts up on other items pulled up in this thread? A gate at the Parkhead end was used so that boats locking down / up the Parkhead flight didn't draw the water from the tunnel and slow down the legged boats that were making passage to the Tipton. The gate at Tipton end I would have thought is principally for security / safety, and to ensure that craft do not try to make their own passage through the tunnel without prior knowledge of DCT. You have to remember that there is not only the tunnel but also additional branch canals in to limestone mine systems (a whole new health and safety issue I would have thought). The towing service is free - any gratuities are not expected and purely at the discression of the towed vessel. - I checked. The gauge at the Tipton end replaced the fixed gauge in the portal to allow boats to gauge more easily. It is a fair gauge. The gauge at Parkhead is fixed, and again is a fair gauge. The tug skipper has the final say. They know the tunnel, they know the tug, they know the water movement. The water level has been known to rise up and over the towpath (approx 12") in a matter of minutes. Any crews that want to leg all the way through can, but need to inform DCT of this so that adequate time can be allowed. The tug still goes with the vessel but stays about 20m ahead so that if any problems were encountered then a quick line can be made and towing recommenced. Small unpowered craft are not permitted. This is a BW rule, not DCT. DCT are there to provide a service. They do it well. They want boats to make the passage through - the more the better. I sound biased because I am as I worked for DCT in the 90's. Its a wonderful piece of construction, and in DCT's hands it has a more secure future than it ever has since (and while) it was built. Any more info can be found here http://www.dudleytunnel.co.uk/
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