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Everything posted by mrsmelly

  1. It's a lovely run and as Frangar says there are spots U can pull up on if need be. Hug the left a little as you approach Gloucester. Best not done if there's a lot of fresh on.
  2. While you are at it, get hold of the boat builders address and go and bollock him/her for putting it in an awkward place during build, its never necessary and bloody stupid.
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  9. Today, just about as far west as you can get without getting wet in the Irish sea it's beautiful at last. Sat int garden with a cold cider at moment pre Barby. Probably not going tut beach this weekend as it will be busy with the poor sods who live in towns and cities in England visiting somewhere nice!!
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  17. The hand held radio being used is a Burndept BE470 variant. Good bit of kit. Just saying like.
  18. To be honest what I loved most in my thirty odd years of living aboard and moving around was the very very few rules re boating. All very easy to comply with. Buy and sell at the drop of a hat with zero paperwork required and no solicitor involvement. A basic MOT only every four years. Register the boat usually Cart very easily and after paying cheap insurance license the boat and that's it. I didn't get any grief from BW or Cart only help. The very few cruising/mooring rules are easy to both understand and comply with. Enjoy.
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  20. You do have to be careful with fishy stuff, nearly as bad as dodgy rice!! We nip up to New Quay and get stuff straight off the little fishing boat when he comes in, or from the tiny shop on the quay where the crab are dressed before your eyes having just been landed. We also get fresh delivery straight to the door from bloke who has been delivering local fish for fifty years. Plastic shells sounds about as bad as it's possible to be 😱
  21. Ensuring you catch and dispose of all the nasty contaminated water for correct disposal at a licensed facility of course 😉
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