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Everything posted by Jen-in-Wellies

  1. <moderator>I've hidden the duplicate thread.</moderator>
  2. I tried a similar thing when running a 12V diesel heater from the mains in a static caravan, with no 12V battery, or other 12V gadgets. The power brick needed to be massively over spec to handle the input surges from, in this case a fan motor. A lower power one would give low voltage errors on the heater during start up. I eventually used a 100W converter brick, so similar in size to the one the OP is proposing and this was successful. I'd be concerned about it being able to start a water pump up, with its higher torque motor. However, a water pump won't throw up an error and refuse to continue, if the supply voltage temporarily drops. The only way to be sure is to try it. You might however find yourself spending more on trial and error power bricks than you save on 12V cable. Is this domestic solid core twin and earth? If so, it is frowned upon for boat installations, due to the risk of vibration fatigue cracking the single core wires. Multi strand Arctic cable of appropriate cross sectional area is the preferred.
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  4. Using the canals helps, but isn't 100% certain, as some are still not far above normal river levels. The rivers are fine, if you keep an eye on the forecast and are prepared to move when flooding threatens.
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  7. A little clarification might help. Is this a plan to move up to that general area of Yorkshire on a longer term basis, or just a summer visit? If the former, then the flooding potential becomes much more important, though flooding can occur even in summer.
  8. The River Ouse through York and down to Selby floods dramatically on regular occasions. You need to be able to cope with this, getting the boat in to a safe situation before it hits. There are proper moorings around that can accommodate the level rises and falls, without sinking boats. https://www.itv.com/news/tyne-tees/2024-01-04/flooding-in-york-as-river-levels-peak-with-flood-warnings-still-in-place Selby itself has a canal, which links to the Aire and Calder. Sections of the Aire and Calder can also flood. Not necessarily just the river stretches.
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  20. What @MtB said. It is getting increasingly difficult to tell human and machine apart. It is very off putting for a new forum member to have their humanity questioned. People can have English as a second language, or have various conditions that make writing tricky. If anything, programs now produce better formal English grammar and punctuation than many people. Please report to the Mods, rather than speculate in threads.
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