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Everything posted by Briss

  1. If I may pick a few bits out of the above post..... (oops - above post but one, TM beat me to it.) Your premise is that.... "One theory suggested that about 360 million years ago, some plants evolved the ability to produce lignin, a complex polymer that made their cellulose stems much harder and more woody. The ability to produce lignin led to the evolution of the first trees. But bacteria and fungi did not immediately evolve the ability to decompose lignin,...." But your own article then goes on to refute the above premise.... "However, a 2016 study largely refuted this idea, finding extensive evidence of lignin degradation during the Carboniferous, and that shifts in lignin abundance had no impact on coal formation." Edit as explained.
  2. Er, no... coal was formed when trees fell into swamps and so there was no oxygen present. From the Wiki page you just quoted (my bold): The conversion of dead vegetation into coal is called coalification. At various times in the geologic past, the Earth had dense forests[17] in low-lying wetland areas. In these wetlands, the process of coalification began when dead plant matter was protected from biodegradation and oxidation, usually by mud or acidic water, and was converted into peat. It was "protected from", not "there wasn't any". Big difference.
  3. The "Cruising the Cut" guy has just mounted some more solar panels using Riv-nuts... it's here if you're interested.
  4. A Stanley knife with the blade out 1 or 2 clicks gives a very good tool for limited depth slicing.
  5. Could you get a custom vivarium made with double glazing panels? Could you insulate the back, sides and top of the vivarium? Either (or both, or a combination) of these would/could cut the power requirement down a lot. A bit vague I know, but I can fully understand the desire to take a much loved pet with you.
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