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About booke23

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  1. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  2. I haven't seen /s before either and I've been using messaging boards since the BBS days of the early 1990's. Everyday's a school day as they say.
  3. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  4. Absolutely not....I'm a proud non newspaper reader! I strive to find unbiased news outlets.......maybe mission impossible.
  5. Hyperbole and sensationalist nonsense. Approx 3.5% of the UK population read the Daily Mail every day.....in other words 96.5% of the UK population don't. The press have very little influence compared to 30 years ago.
  6. Is anyone still using the working boat method of bashing into the bottom gate and leaving the boat in gear while you open the paddles and stand there until the boat opens the gates and enters all by itself? Ditto as you then fill the lock......(Asking for a friend)
  7. Yes you could be right. Especially considering the quantity of rare earth metals that are mined to support the EV industry. Who decides? How did you find the time to do all this? You're never off this forum!
  8. Well somebody's wrong. Precisely my point. A good example is Diesel cars. These days they are often described as dirty and polluting and in fact back in the 70's and 80's they were also described as such. Then the government decided they were going to be the the clean future of motoring in the 1990's and incentivised them, and the narrative completely changed because society deemed it so.
  9. You may be right, but eye of the beholder etc. A right leaning person would reverse the above statement and also insist it's true until they're blue in the face.
  10. All 'press' are like this...slanted and biased. The Guardian is a good example too.
  11. Coincidentally the only time I've ever seen a sunken cilled boat in person was on this section of canal a couple of years ago, in Wharton's Lock a couple of miles from this incident. It was a Canaltime boat and it was badly sunk having rolled to about 100 degrees angle of bank. The two occupants were standing by the lock as dry as a bone.....turns out they both got off and tried roping the boat in the lock and didn't notice it cilling. They were also both half cut (from the night before in my estimation) despite it being only 11am. Not saying this is what happened here, but it's all to easy to sink a boat in a lock if you're not concentrating.
  12. It's certainly very friendly, I think it lives in those cottages by the lock.
  13. I'd also test them out and see if the beam pattern is to your liking. As they are Fog lights they will have a flat wide beam not well suited as tunnel lights. My boat has one of those round LED tunnel lights and it's amazingly good....the beam is large, round and diffused so perfect for tunnels.
  14. Most Beta engines (including the Beta 38) include the following advice in the manual about battery charging out of gear:-
  15. You could try, also make sure the water levels are ok in the batteries. However 11v is a very unhealthy reading on a 12v battery after 4 hours charging so I also imagine they're toast. Not sure about the Victron phoenix and Lithium compatibility.
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