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Everything posted by oboat

  1. Yes Neil the Welland. We moored up at Fosdyke Bridge for the night then went up and through the lock next morning on a rising tide. No problem. As for the local EA, staff I think they are just plain lazy. I was told several local boats had left the navigation due to the EA staff being unreliable in regard to the lock. In addition LA seem to have no idea of what an asset they have or how to develop it.
  2. Just thinking that a few pic's related to the IWA Silver Sword or Prop could be interesting for potential explorers. A particular blogger has reported that the EA have advised that certain locations are not accessible yet they are and have been. My recent "Where am I" is one such location (unfortunately betwixt sword and prop). Ironically it is also a potential component in what was termed the Fens Waterway link, so its promotion as a navigation has a potential national significance. This location also falls into the EA "yes you can navigate but not today (insert reason)" The navigation was extremely well used in the past and is surprisingly attractive however it was and still is somewhat compromised by a low headroom bridge.
  3. Try the middle ground.This lot should make it easy. WW reporter on the lock side.
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  6. Not the Middle level in fact it requires a tidal transit.
  7. I can relate to that THING in the cut. On our very first entry with O/S visitors abroad we became amalgamated with a large Ski Jacket complet with a very good quality metal zip just before entry. It took over two hours for the divorce to take place. Visitors very embarrassed.
  8. Right county wrong navigation. Two boats just below the first Br.
  9. Not the BCN. The clue is in my attire. A local in the same location.
  10. Bit different last week they are now in imminent danger of being declared SSSI's!!!!!!!!
  11. Where am I ? Just been going through my Silver Prop pics & found this but its out of date. But it could be a good quiz question.
  12. Do you have a copy the Deans Map for Birmingham? Only one problem with it acute "What if itis"
  13. Stoke Prior, Gas St, Icknield Port Loop to Walsall 2.5 days. Then no Trains Grrrrrrr
  14. I agree, a long way for a loaded wide bluff ended London boat to free float. I would have said, your pink line would have joined a swing bridge (may be just pedestrian to maintain momentum and take the rope) over the pre existing railway basin which would have been replaced with the existing Br when the new railway building was built. The wood yard basin was a walk round but again could have had a swing Br. Such a S/Br would also facilitate use of the basins to the south.
  15. I would be interested to know what is happening in the Cape Loop, last time I went past it had a boat in it (or it may have been the adjacent arm) and CRT were having a problem finding out just who owned what bits of it. I almost went in for a look see last week, buy no time. Some years ago when building a new car park under Baskerville House the old lock was discovered. Baskerville House was named after Baskerville Wharf, which was named after the Printer who owned it and invented the (very popular) Baskerville Type face. The building was intended to form just a small part of a large new Civic Centre which would have included most of canals in the area.
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  17. Understand. As a regular on the W&BC I can see it would have been a brilliant solution to save time at the ramps. Surrey Iron Railway Act. 1801. End of the Napoleonic War Nov 1815. Murdock was ignored the same year. Rainhill Trials 1829. I was really thinking about the causation rather than the effect? A bit like a ball gathering speed.
  18. Very interesting. But you say yes, then give a reason why it would NOT be a problem?
  19. Always stop the night in the Bentley when passing through the area, great spot.
  20. Just been looking at a TV program, on railways, first steam engine and all that stuff, which suggested that the principal reason steam power was developed was due to a shortage of horse power due to the Napoleonic Wars. Much in the canal world is blamed on the Napoleonic Wars however I can't recall ever having heard that said before in relation to canals. Any comments? Note: I am aware that other animals were used on occasion, but assumed it was expediency rather than an out and out shortage of suitable horses.
  21. Had a similar problem of a totally inexperienced keeper at Torksey. Holiday Job. Not seen a keeper at Thorn, just saying.
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