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Everything posted by Wanted

  1. Regardless of the back handed deals going on, I will stand by the integrity of Alan, if anything, he's a victim of this as well.
  2. For those with a twitter account please tweet this pic at 6pm tomorrow evening with the hash tag #findalice For those that don't do twitter, please share with your friends that do. The idea is to create a 'thunder clap' and get this message out further. Thanks
  3. I came very close to selling a kidney to go and see DK play in Camden recently, but then I discovered that Jello wasn't gonna be there so I sacked it off. Our next gig is to see the wonderful poet turned hip hop artist Kate Tempest. She's ace in my opinion..
  4. Holy shite! That is truly awful! Just as it stopped though, Dane went passed with a thumping Bolinder, now that's a noise I like..
  5. Youth culture and music oft go hand in hand, the result is something that us old gits are not suppose to like. If you need me I'll be listening to some classics jazz...
  6. Easy done, unfortunately we hear horrible news all of the time, here's hoping for a positive outcome for Alice and her family. Best Rob
  7. Nice one John, glad all went well
  8. Yes, the police are now in the water. Very worrying indeed, but important to correct Craftycarper as they haven't found her and are still treating it as a missing persons case.
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  10. Ho ra! And up she rises! Best of luck bud, I will do my best to Finnish work early.
  11. I think there had been a misunderstanding. From Alice's dad:
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  13. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  14. From the family; Police are issuing a publicity statement tomorrow and have asked that people don't attempt to search for Alice at this stage, they are asking for the police to be allowed to do their job and to await further information.
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  16. It's such a worry. This link shows the area where CCTV picked her up. If you know Brentford then you'll see that this is next to the Gauging lock, a little further down from our moorings. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/alice-gross-missing-murder-detectives-4158454
  17. Further developments http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-29049426
  18. Last know whereabouts were opposite our morrings near the Holiday inn... http://www.brentfordtw8.com/default.asp?section=info&link=http://nnet-server.com/server/common/eaalice006.htm please continue to spread the word
  19. A perfect example of how the forum wins! go team! Welcome aboard Sandra and good luck! P.S. - Richard's ya man
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