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Changes to Provisional Member Status


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Following recent attempts for spam robots to sign up at members, I have been forced to change the options open to provisional members.


A member is a provisional member is they have signed up to the forum, but not yet activated their account via e-mail.


As e-mail validation is now working again, provisional members are now only able to read posts. They will need to activate their account prior to being allowed to reply to topics and start new topics. This will allow us to keep the forums clear of spam as best as possible.


If any member detects anything that they believe is spam, please contact me and I will look into it.


If you do not receive your activation e-mail, please e-mail sitecrew@canalworld.net and we will sort it out for you.


Many thanks,



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Further to the above, following continued problems, accounts which are not vaildated within 3 days will now be deleted. This is due the continued spam attacks on the site.


If your account is deleted before it is activate, please contact me and I will sort if out for you.


Hopefully the new version of IPB so to be launched will help prevent such attacks.


Many thanks,



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