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Posts posted by mrsmelly

  1. 10 minutes ago, Tony Brooks said:

    I have a feeling that for UK use you may need regular MCA inspections, on top of the BSS and the MCA are likely to be far stricter. However, this may depend on how many passengers you will be licensed to carry.


    Then there MIGHT (not will) be VAT implications travelling between the UK and EU, plus I doubt any EU country will be happy if you turn up with ANY red diesel in your tank, you may have to use white (road diesel) in the UK. Apparently, the red dye and chemical marker in rebated (red) diesel hangs about for years, even if you fill with white.

    All of the above and more. I had two MCA boat masters licences both lapsed a couple of years ago. There is no generic licence, you are tested for a specific boat and waterway. One of mine was for narrow boat up to 48 passengers and the other was for the river Trent including Humber as I had this added. Twin screw vessel and my passenger allowance was up to 250 passengers. The boat was about 100 tons with a sixteen feet air draught and  a smaller eighty footer. The boats had different passenger numbers allowed. The large boats didn't need or have bss but a stringent MCA test.

  2. 10 hours ago, MtB said:


    Ah ok. Maybe is the old LBs I've been noticing.


    I still think it might be helpful if we had a vague idea of how many Ken built like this. One out of say, three will be easier to find tan one out of three hundred. 

    Twenty ISH iirc. We cruised a couple of times with the Bonokowski owners club with Ken and a number of his boat owners thirty plus years ago. At the time we had a Swan line another pretty boat of it's time.

    • Greenie 2
  3. 1 minute ago, NarrowboatTor said:

    Lol yup, had rolled it down and folded it into the frame, sits there like an old VW karma hood.

    Fenders, well yeh my bad heh

    Lol, showing your age re the VW quote. Bet you wish you still had one!!

  4. Just now, Jerra said:

    Up here in Westmorland and Furness we are just within a yellow warning.  It has rained most of the day (nothing unusual there then) and it is windy but again not unusually so.

    We are bang in the red zone but I live halfway up the side of the valley so although it's a tad breezy lol, it's going over the top of us. River I can see from my window is going into flood but I am 100 feet above it. No fone signal now but WiFi and electric still working. Think it will clear up later.

    • Greenie 1
  5. I think most of us on here have been around long enough to brave a bit of damp windy weather. My lunch meeting just been cancelled at Aberystwyth 😞, trees and floodwater blocking roads round here. Good news is the caff twenty seconds walk away is open so I am off for brekky 🤪

    • Greenie 2
    • Unimpressed 1
  6. Lol. My fone just went off flashing and buzzing with a government warning to stay in the house as red alert danger to life 🤣 just left the pub, maybe I should go back to be safe!! Anyone else get the safety alert on your fone?

    • Greenie 1
  7. Lol, anyone would think it was the end of the World. All buses stopped here from midnight tonight, not that there are many lol. Xmas fair in high street tomorrow cancelled. Pub opens in ten minutes so I am off for a couple early doors just in case it gets blown away 😁

    • Greenie 1
    • Love 1
    • Haha 2
    • Horror 1
  8. 1 hour ago, matty40s said:

    Main problem tonight and tommorow is the wind will mainly be coming from the North or NW, for a long period of time.

    Some very worrying forecasts for SW and for Wales. Channel Islands also in peril.


    We are smack bang where it's forecast to hit hard. As usual it's actually beautiful, calm and sunny at the moment a typical lull before the storm.

  9. 33 minutes ago, PaulGB said:

    Thanks all.

    The below video helps me get me see what I'm dealing with. Where would the multiplug be located?

    As it was starting ok before I got my fingers on it, I think my next step is to undo everything I did fitting the shunt and see if it's still the same. 

    I'm assuming now that the engine is air cooled. If so how does it not overheat in an enclosed bay?



    Your engine is water cooled.

  10. 2 hours ago, Naughty Cal said:

    Liam has high blood pressure and has done since his 20's. No obvious reason why and it is under control with medication. As part of his annual health review he has a full bloods test done including cholesterol tests.


    In the last couple of years since we have stopped eating "low fat" alternatives and started eating proper butter and dairy etc. his cholesterol levels have dropped and we have both lost weight.


    Not a scientific survey by any means but has helped us realise that the old adage a little bit of everything in moderation could actually be true.  

    Agreed. I have always eaten proper food, my parents absolutely always bought proper milk and butter and never any form of spread rubbish. I have plenty of fry ups for brekky, my cholesterol is bang on. A varied diet as you say combining meat, dairy and fruit and veg is what any sensible diet consists of. Even smelly fish if you must 🤪

  11. 6 minutes ago, matty40s said:

    He was still steering this Summer when we saw him out with his family at Kingston on Thames. 

    Damn good life and much joy was given to others. 

    Sail on in Peace Tim

    A few years ago we caught the two of them up on a straight bimbling along. I hung well back for ages in and out of gear till Pru eventually glanced back. She told Tim and he moved over and she smiled and waved us past. As we drew alongside and started passing he smiled as he went into the bank and gently slid along and off it again. We gave a wave and off we went. Smashing couple. 

    • Greenie 2
  12. On 10/11/2024 at 21:56, magnetman said:

    Yes I think that is what happened. I've seen lots of then but never thought about it just being an aesthetic. 


    It definitely is and it looks like it might be stitch welded. 


    The number of years I went around with a genuine 1/4 inch rudder thinking others had more manly rudders than me ! 


    I have been educated today. 






    its like extra large balloon fenders on gin palaces on the Thames. 


    Subtle and erroneous status symbol 

    "Mine is bigger / thicker than yours"


    Quite amusing really. 

    Thick rudders are not always good news. I knocked mine out one day and it took Mark Paris and a big bloke assisting him quite a struggle to lift it and drop back in place. That was a 15mm rudder same as the baseplate. However it didn't flex ever.

    • Greenie 1
  13. 18 minutes ago, Bee said:

    Personally I would pump all the old fuel out of the tank and dispose of it unless it appears clean and bright (Very unlikely) Relying on fuel additives is not a great idea as they are overwhelmed by water and gunge until you have no idea what you have in the tank except that the engine won't run on it and you risk injecting water into the cylinders. This makes the engine try to compress water which is a Very Bad Thing.

    Whilst I have never done this I completely agree it's the best way. A few quids worth of unknown fuel is far better binned in the scheme of things than allowing it to give you problems.

    • Greenie 1
  14. 14 hours ago, DandGNWales said:

    Bus windows, but they need re sealing the survey states but plan on a full repaint next year if she don't buff up, will post some pictures once we take over ownership, just hope everything works but we all know what boats are like. Work has gone mad and the time we think the house sale will go through I will be playing with a much bigger grey boat in Portsmouth, dam typical lol

    I used to play with boats for the Grey funnel line. Lots of fun back in the day.

  15. 2 hours ago, DandGNWales said:

    Wow that got some response, totally forgot about this post from all them years ago, coming back into the fold after playing with the salty boat kind with a 70 foot Liverpool Boats Cruiser stern called Perseverance, just trying to get all our ducks in a row to move her via road and I promise no more rope questions lol

    Buying a whole boat rather than part of one makes complete sense 👍 and a nice comfy cruiser stern 😜

  16. 16 minutes ago, Alan de Enfield said:


    Remember that most of the YouTube video blogs are newbies to the waterways - don't believe that everything they show is correct, and if something is not shown it just means they havn't learnt about it yet.

    These are basically 'easy watching/entertainment' but should not be used as a knowledge base.

    Completely agree. You tube is mostly a prime example of the blind leading the blind.

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