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Kate and James

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Everything posted by Kate and James

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  5. Have a great night, we couldn't get a sitter but have a drink for us! xxx
  6. Oooh, that was gorgeous!! Think I'll be going with a more practical modern type thing though!!
  7. Thanks Lady Muck, that does look good, I'm thinking of space to, if I've managed to cull my christmas decorations I'm sure I can make other sacrifces!! Thhe fact that it can handle curtains is reassuring, I did buy a mini sewing machine a few years ago that could barley cope with anything so a good review is always reassuring!!
  8. Evening folks, I'm going to get a new sewing machine, only thinking ahead I want to get one that I can use onboard otherwise it'll be a bit pointless!! So, do any of you CCers have a good one, or have you sucessfully adapted one to 12v somehow?? Thanks! K xx
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  13. We've been collecting our shopping in my plastic washing basket with a rope tied to it, great fun! We've had pleanty of people struggling saying that they should have done that! Oh, and Connor's loving being dragged along in it!!
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  17. Nope, we're still not on the water yet, but have not been put off, we've been practicing with our multifuel stove in the house and find it so much better than centeral heating!! The only thing troubling us is whether the government are really going to sell off BW and leave us in a beautiful boat... in a stinky ditch!
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  19. hahahahahahahaahahaahaahahaaaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  24. why?? I just don't understand why anyone'd do that?? what is there to gain or am I missing something?? K
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