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Everything posted by MtB

  1. There writes an author who has obviously never owned a wooden boat!
  2. Looks like an ordinary cabinet heater to me. Bloody disaster area as far as gas safety is concerned, far worse than one of them (now banned) catalytic heaters.
  3. Which wine are you enjoying tonight? Just curious! Cheese 🍷
  4. Point of Order.... Ocado = M&S + Waitrose. What's not to like!
  5. MtB

    Boiling Oddity

    You clearly didn't read (or perhaps understand) my post!
  6. MtB

    Boiling Oddity

    Nope. Well yes to the second bit!!
  7. More particularly if the thing is on the cusp of working with a clear shower head but not with a slightly scaled one, all the effort of changing one good diaphragm for another won't make any difference.
  8. MtB

    Boiling Oddity

    I don't know! Hope that helps.... But more seriously, the ally kettle probably has more thermal mass than the placky leccy kettle so the water continues to boil briefly as you lift it off the gas to pour, with heat energy from the ally still transferring into the water while you pour and keeping it right on boiling. While the placky kettle switches off and starts to cool immediately before you pick it up and start to pour. And another idea. Mebbe the placky kettle thermostat turns it orf at say 96c, rather than 100c. A 'safety feature' that is just a bloody nuisance perhaps, like so many of 'em!
  9. So you think CCers should moor for free just because you move to a different place once every two weeks? (Or every two months around here.)
  10. Yes there is definitely a hierarchy of mugs!
  11. MtB


    The problem with all these bed sizes is the sheets. Places like The Range generally only sell (what they call) single, double and king size fitted sheets. Plains sheets i.e. not shaped and elasticated are near impossible to buy in normal shops.
  12. I'm currently of the opinion the best response is to yell back "fcuk off".
  13. Fitting the 3000W inverter is only the start of it. As Tony and Alan point out, the truly massive drain on the batteries means you'll probably need to add another four, and then run your engine 25 hours a day to keep replace all the energy 3kW of power will be using. On the other hand maybe you only want a big inverter to supply the start-up surge on something with a motor. So out of curiousity, why do you need such a large inverter?
  14. Whoever bought it won't be thinking that. What you actually think to yourself is "Blimey no-one else in the room thinks this place is worth what I just bid on it, and won. What a mug I've just been."
  15. I'd have thought the momentary starting surge current to get the pump motor running would overwhelm an 8A brick power supply like that.
  16. 6ft 11in beam eh? That seems unlikely....
  17. Yep, and I was one of them (stopped at Fenny I mean). I think I saw you go past! Your Gardner was sounding as lovely as ever...
  18. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  19. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  20. I think you're right. It certainly does read like a search term crafted for Google. Quite rude really, if it's a human bean.
  21. Absolutely it is. If houses were unaffordable then the market would have seized up. Every house is affordable to the owner or they would lose it. QED.
  22. No, they've increased the licence because CRT are running out of money. CCers are getting a bigger rise because its patently unfair that CCers until now paid the same licence as home moorers, despite mooring somewhere on the water every night just like the home moorers who have to pay a substantial additional charge for that privilege.
  23. All prices are always "high". If boat prices doubled people would say they are high. If they halved people would still say they are too high. In addition they would say thay are falling because they are still too high, wait until they have fallen some more. I can't ever remember a thread on here discussing how low boat prices were. Even when they were really low. Same applies to houses.
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