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Posts posted by magnetman

  1. Perhaps a symptom of the ADD/ADHD/A.S?


    If you band those 3 sets of initials into the same little box then you are in for trouble I can assure you.


    Google is good but only when there is time to do proper digging, with a BIG SPADE.


    Anyway, I find that someone else not answering a question has more to do with them than me.



    if I can't swing a cat by the tail I feel cramped.


    Fair point

  2. Dear chap... Do you suffer from A.D.D. or similar....Take a deep breath and start at the begining.


    The first line of you post appears to be a nonsense; As far as WBs go I don't like sofas anyway.


    The rest of your post seems to make even less sense.


    Have you been hanging round with widebeam owners lately?


    Please clarify....




    I mentioned in my PREVIOUS post that widebeams allow you to walk round the SOFA...


    This is where the 'I don't like sofa's" came from, I prefer to do without the luxuries of life in return for living on a boat which will go where I want to go.

    As for the widebeam owners, I can't really deal with the fact you seem to know my socks smell and I have recently helped a mate fit an engine in a widebeam boat, which I even drove along the canal.




    EDIT: WB's are Wide Boats...

  3. Who's this MidgetMAN whose selling mushrooms? I'll have half a pound I luv a fry up :)


    Have to go to Croxley common moor and find some, alternatively would you accept unpackaged tesco mushrooms if I said they were wild?

    Thanks for your interest Bodger_1.

    Doh! Whats that about misspelling and pedantry? Maybe its about the fact that user names are user names and misspellings might lead to a mistaken identity.

  4. No widebeam to report Magnetman.


    Experience over the years of 'The Widebeam Type' has shown that they are mainly owned by those with slightly superior attitudes and a permanent bad smell under their collective noses.


    T.W.T. also seems to have a predeliction for delusions of grandure and invariably feels that NB owners are intensely jealous of them, this occasionally manifests itself as a commonly observed paranoia, in that they feel that NB owners talk behind their backs and are plotting some heinous revenge for the additional inches of beam that their craft possess....


    They usually become mentally unglued in time, wittering on in a 'high white whine' about others hogging the pump-out and other imagined slights perpetrated by those with 'less width'.


    Steer well clear of this type and on no account corner them, as they will slash out at you like a demented hydrophobic in an instant. :)


    With regard to the whole 'Sock' matter a PM to Yoda seeking guidence may pay dividends.


    Thanks for the sock advice, twas appreciated.


    As far as WBs go I don't like sofas anyway, prefer the Oxford or even the Llangollen or the Thames where all is fair anyway. I do think this is an issue BW will need to address at some point because THERE IS A PROBLEM HERE.

    Maybe its best to adopt the 'amibovvered' attitude, but that is only possible if one relies on the fact that not many other people 'ain't bovvered' because once everyone 'ain't bovvered' the whole situation becomes out of control and Oh! the Snooker's on again.

    EDIT: no, 7.30...

  5. Excuse me my man, but I'll have you know that I am the site nuisance round these parts..... You can be my deputy if you wish, but it is an onorous duty and not for shirkers, high achievers or those with a need to be loved. A pre-requisite for the role is a distrust for smartarsery and overtechnical explanations of simple issues, a talent for pricking the over-inflated egos of the self-important also forms part of the'Person Specification' for this important role.... Do you feel you are made of The Right Stuff? You may also need to 'Change Your Socks', but Yoda can advise more fully on that requirement.


    I can't believe it, went shopping earlier, came home and I could smell MY OWN SOCKS. Your right about the socks issue, its because the inverter hasn't been working and the genny is too small to run the washing machine (bad excuse).


    Anyway. I'll think about the Deputy post. No shirking and definitely no high achieving going on, and the only one loving me is my dog. Oh, maybe my ma too, but I certainly don't need any more. I distrust smartarsery but then I never got round to trusting myself anyway.


    Must look into this more closely. can you recommend somewhere apart from tesco to get good new socks?


    PS: DO YOU HAVE A WIDEBEAM BECAUSE IF YOU DO I'M JEALOUS I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Means you can walk round the 'sofa' not through it.



    EDIT: I thought this place was about DISCUSSION, 11 people about, nothing doing.

  6. What seems to be the problem Magnetman??? Get it off your chest.


    I have no soul.

    I wanted to get a discussion going about the validity of the British Waterways license policy on widebeam craft.

    While the Grand Union canal, with its wide locks, appears to be a wide beam waterway there are plenty of places where two wide beam craft cannot pass each other. If British waterways would keep a wide channel so I can fit breasted narrowboats or even a single narrowboat past a wide beam craft in, for example, Tring Cutting, then it'd be OK but they don't.

    Perhaps by charging for use of SPACE and LOCKS on this superb waterway I live on they might be able to afford to make the place work for everyone who wants to use it.


    Thats all, sorry to be a nuisance here, seems to be my job lately, I'll add it to my profile.

  7. Bigger boats!!!


    Of course, and CHEAPER LICENSES. "A license holder has no right to the sole use of a lock" or something like that. Oh. Must get a thinner narrowboat so I can get it next to a 13ft6 one in the non-privatised lock I was wanting to go through. Or maybe I should weld my narrowboats together.

    I don't reckon that the 'we can't use the majority of the system' argument is valid. I would say "I don't want to use it anyway, thanks for the CC license mate".

  8. Although they've done their best to make the Kipper look very similar and they are very good value for money, it's definately not a badged Honda.


    On balance I think that the Kipor probably is NOT a badged Honda, although it does seem to be exceedingly similar. I have noticed some engines on pumps and generators described as GX160 and looking identical to a Honda GX160 but without the brand name.

    I can't help assuming that as Honda is such a good name it'd be a bit backwards not to say it was one if it was.

    They are remarkably similar but I suspect that the internal components like crankshaft, valves etc, which really do need to be made well and probably take up a lot of the cost of manufacture, are basically low quality in the 'copies' which will result in early failure.


    Mind you if its based on the towpath then it might walk anway so maybe a cheap unit is worthwile in that sense.

  9. ................ANYWAY...................the magnet on ebay impressed me (see film/demo on You Tube) so I am going to get one. Thanks for bringing the product to my attention Magnetman.


    No problem.

    Maybe I just don't know when to stop but what about "Whats the most unlikely thing you've had out on the magnet?"

    I'll start with the doors of two different safes. Grove Bridge Watford by the new golf course.

  10. Just a quick straw-pole of what lights people are using.


    Pick one of the first three, and then as many of the following as is aplicable.

    Further information can also be posted if you have more to add to the above!





    I like the 10w or 20w 12 volt large bayonet cap bulbs, means you can get really nice lamps, like old enamel workshop lamps, with household type fittings and still run it off a 12v system. The bulbs are a bit expensive but I have a couple I've been running for about 10 years which isn't bad for a £6 bulb.


    EDIT: I'm talking the Halogen ones, thats why they are sick squid.

  11. There's a bloke who drops his son off at the same school as my boy. His boot is one HUGE speaker. I bet the magnet in that could be used to recover sunken boats.


    Peter Ebdon's 8-6 up against John Higgins, first to 9. Wicked bit of snooker.

  12. Magnet, i think everyones long got over any grudges they may have had, i say lets take this over to the virtual pub and drink to magnets and there many uses!



    Sorry to be pendantic but its magnetMAN. Thanks for your input, it was most certainly appreciated.

  13. Looking something up in a book doesn't prove effective use of the English language. I'm sure most other people reading my posts understand both the sentiment and meaning. If you choose to misinterpret or misunderstand then feel free.




    You have made 280 posts here (i did look that up).


    I have something like 10 or maybe 12, so yes I am

    new to this game and you are not so in that sense

    perhaps you know how to conduct yourself in a more

    orderly fashion than me.

  14. One teeny tiny difference, I'm not selling magnets, I have no connection to sea searcher other than a long piece of orange string. If, as a consumer, I want to tell fellow forum members about a positive experience I have had with a product, then I am free to do so. If I want to tell them about the marvellous apple pies I make and how boaters can purchase them from my moorings then I would contact jon and ask him how to go about advertising my wares. I must stress though, the pie story is fiction, my pastry tastes like polystyrene and I overcook the apples until they turn to mush. Please do not stop and ask for pies!


    I can't find anything in this 'thread' (I'm new, thats the lingo I have learnt) about selling anything from moorings, just a load of waffle, mainly by me, about underwater CCTV being the way to get windlasses, particularly the expensive Duntons and mobile phones out of the cut.


    By the way I am really quite offended by your suggestion that I would need to use Psilocybe semi-lanceata as a way to validate my existence on this planet.

  15. This thread is turning into some bizarre hallucinogenic experience previously only encountered after consuming the right kind of mushrooms. Do carry on.


    Edited to say. I like my sea searcher, it's orange and smelly but it still picks up my tools.


    No mushrooms here, apart from those ones which grow in rings and can be fried and eaten with no effect other than making life a bit more boring than it already is, and possibly providing a bit of nutrition. I don't do any of that stuff I find the human race is so incredibly mind boggling there is no place for it. I'm really pleased you like your "non product placement I don't mention brand names" magnet. I like my 'non product placement I don't mention brand names' magnet too but I haven't mentioned the brand name.


    Edit: sorry I got an HTML error in it before editing.

  16. Underwater CCTV... These false teeth can be really quite expensive.


    NO PRODUCT PLACEMENT, CCTV is a generic term.


    P.S. thanks 4 yr welcome, reminds me of "Life of Brian"

    The graffiti episode


    "Romanes Eunt Domus",

    "Romans they go the house?",


    Ear twisting, Vocative etc


    "Romanes Ite Domum!",

    "Romans GO HOME"..


    OK, (whippet tail).

  17. I awoke one morning to the sound of gentle splashing from outside. I emerged from the cabin to find a mate up to his chest in the cut, apparently feeling about for his false teeth..... :)



    Underwater CCTV... These false teeth can be really quite expensive.


    NO PRODUCT PLACEMENT, CCTV is a generic term.


    P.S. thanks 4 yr welcome, reminds me of "Life of Brian"

    The graffiti episode


    "Romanes Eunt Domus",

    "Romans they go the house?",


    Ear twisting, Vocative etc


    "Romanes Ite Domum!",

    "Romans GO HOME"..






    OK, (whippet tail).

  18. Not quite sure whats beeing going on here while ive been away.


    But to 'magnetman' - The forum rules are as follows:


    This is for the benifit and good of all members on the forum, to control the levals of adversiting to a usfull and manageable leval.


    If you would however like to advertise on the forum however, you may well be able to, for which i would have to ask you to contact Jon, the sites owner and host.

    Also, to Moley, while we appricate you help and support, if you could try be a little more restrained in your intial approach towards new members maybe, if you feel there is somthing untoward going on, you can always contact me or the other members of site crew via PM.

    Again, i didnt see the origanal OP, or moleys origanal post, so im just commenting on what is here now.

    Thanks, Daniel

    Thanks very much for the straigtening out of affairs. Just to let u know I am not advertising on here although I may have been considering it at some point in the past. I have been a 'member' for some time but had all sorts of trouble remembering my user name and password (random m1sxsture of letters and numbers) so i only got back to it today. If you'd prefer for me to disappear that ain't a problem.


  19. Riggs,


    My advise would be to go for the best you can afford.


    Honda are more expensive but I have heard of reports of Honda generators of ten years and older, still running well today.


    IMHO, 1200 hours is not a very long life for a generator. I have seen Honda generators advertised on ebay with 10 times that number of hours on them and still running strong.


    Have a chat with these people: http://www.edgetechnology.co.uk/ I found them very helpful when I was looking for a generator back at the beginning of this year.



    Well Honda were good once, I have a 12 year old EX650 starts first pull still and does a lot of work charging my batteries through a heavy start/charge unit. 12 years at 2 hours a day average is say 700 a year x 12 is over 8000 hours. Just change the oil regularly. I'm not sure about the new ones, EU series, they seem a bit 'lightweight' although I have heard that the cheap ones (Kipor,Boschmann etc) are cheap for a reason ie quality control.

    When it comes to generators reliability is the thing, by definition and more expensive units are basically more reliable but DO CHANGE THE OIL REGULARLY.

  20. Hi Magnetman

    Do your magnets have a "keeper plate", to avoid compass distortion? We don't want our fellow canal boaters to get lost, do we!



    Sorry, deleted and repasted the context...


    I find the GPS tells me the direction I'm going in and the RADAR is useful if I'm about to stray into uncharted waters (or drive into the bank). Neither of these are affected as long as the magnet is a couple of feet away...

  21. The man who invents the magnet that can pick up a mobile phone, never mind not wiping the sim and destroying most of the electronics, will be almost as rich as the man who invents the brass magnet.


    Its got to be the underwater CCTV for the mobile phone and the brass, and a 6ft long grabbing tool.

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