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Posts posted by magnetman

  1. 1 hour ago, booke23 said:



    You mentioned the transmission turned freely, presumably at the output shaft. Although unlikely, it might be worth ruling out the input side of the transmission too, which will involve removing it to be sure. Of course if the transmission did suffer a failure like this, it's oil will likely be full of metal bits too so you could drain that and examine as a first step. 

    I have seen a Hurth manual gearbox lock an engine up from the input side. It took a while to free it off. It was a Beta Marine 1.5 and a Hurth box not sure what number. One day it stopped dead and stalled the engine. Freed it off by turning the crank shaft nut back and forth for a bit. 



  2. 22 hours ago, Mike Todd said:

    I bet the boat costs as much as Osier Island! 

    Ken Dwan paid £19,000 for that Boat in around 2006. He is currently advertising it for £60,000. Its not a particularly valuable article. 

    It is well specced and would have been quite expensive in 1989 when it was built for the Thames Water Authority by a Boat builder on the east coast. 

  3. 11 minutes ago, Tonka said:

    I do like the ex Thames Conservancy boat shown in the photo

    Thames Water. That Boat (Windrush 46) was built for Thames Water Authority after the Marchioness disaster as a 'go anywhere' vessel. Its steel. Very nice article. After going into private ownership it ended up being bought by Ken Dwan who was actually a co owner of the Marchioness when it went down. Strange irony. 


    Its a Great Boat sometimes used for burial ceremonies around Richmond. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Garry shepherd said:

    Sorry yes my fault when your sat in the back cabin on your phone sometimes you miss things out . I have changed it on the add . And once again sorry 

    In my view it is a better Boat with a water cooled engine. 


    I didn't mean to be a nuisance but It could put people off. 




  5. I was agreeing with you.


    I generally focus on text and tend to spot minor errors. I think the listing is probably supposed to say HRW2m rather than HR2m. 




    If you read the advert text the engine is a HR2 m which is an air cooled unit. 


    If you look at the pictures it does have the header tank but not everyone will look at the pictures. 


    is there a watercooled HR2? 



  6. 1 minute ago, Garry shepherd said:

    It’s water cooled and you do talk some bull ! 

    Maybe the advert needs editing to add a W? 


    "beautifully restored Lister HR 2 m,"


    I don't know it is a broker but if it is I would be having words with them. 




    Apologies if my eye for detail gets annoying. 

  7. Maybe it has an Achilles' heel. 


    For authenticity despite the fact it was a butty I would like to see a RN or National in there. HR2 is a powerhouse and air cooled so no water issues plus plenty of noise but for me it does not cut the mustard. 





    Also while in critical mode I was like 'the tunnel light seems too small and the swan neck rams head is wrong'. 


    Plus it has a weed hatch which is terribly infra dig. 



  8. 1 minute ago, LadyG said:

    Personally, I dont know how to get the message across, its the  UK  Govt that need to pay, did he emphasise the network  saved tbe NHS billions, and its a wildlife corridor, great for walkers and cyclists

    Boaters are just a sideline., and so it should be, we are a minority.

    Yes. Widen and stabilise the towpaths to give a cycle track AND a footpath. Canal to be 9ft wide with passing spaces and no mooring to the towpath. Ducks to be encouraged. 

    I expect people like seeing Boats but it would be much more interesting if they were moving. Layby and marinas for mooring purposes. 

  9. Back in the BW days I was told by a BW ground staff gentleman that the aim was for lock paddles to be operable 'by a fit 13 year old girl'. As I now have 12 and 14 year old girls who are both fit I can't test this until 2025 but I doubt either of them would be able to wind most of the paddles these days. 


    One of the problems which occurs is when people drop the paddles too fast. In the case of gate paddles on the Grand Union the result is bending of the horizontal link bar which then causes binding making opening and closing more difficult. 



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