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Posts posted by frangar

  1. We found getting permission for the EoG mooring at the house we brought to be the least stressful part of the whole purchase....however Im not sure if it's harder if it's just say a field without a property or postal address etc...and whilst there was a small boat previously moored here we had to complete a new application and pay the fee etc  which to be fair was all processed very quickly as getting the permission was a condition of us buying the property. You can apply for the permission before you purchase the land.

  2. 11 hours ago, Jim P said:

    Only intentionally and through appropriate siphons, with due notice.


    heres a pic from today. Spot the difference fans can obsess over it vs Cheshire cats picture several days ago. I’m not, because it’s dripping.


    It’s almost like Peel want to have the canal fail…..

    • Greenie 1
  3. 12 minutes ago, magnetman said:




    also "Boat owners are urged by police to securely stow away such strapping and remain vigilant..."




    I feel it would be worth checking with the yard owner first otherwise they might think you are nicking the straps and call the police. 



    I did see that….couldn’t decide who was more incompetent in the reporting…the beeb or plod!! Loll


  4. 1 hour ago, cheesegas said:

    A 6m 4 ton roundsling (or spanset depending on your flavour of slang) is only around £30. Would have thought it's easier to buy them rather than nick some from a boatyard.

    They are suggesting it’s the larger ones that are used in a travelling cradle so probably much larger and rated for 20 tons or so. 

  5. 50 minutes ago, junior said:

    Bloody hell there's some pessimistic people on here.


    I have every confidence the breach will be repaired eventually. It's too big a deal not to be. 

    I wish I could share your confidence…..in the peel

    scheme of things it really won’t affect their business model if it’s repaired or not…..and apart from some

    fed up boaters and a few related businesses who will it affect in the area if it’s not restored to full navigation?  Any water supply Issues could be dealt with by a pipe….the nice flats still get a waterside view….peel still has money in the bank…..


    I really hope I’m proved wrong but so far the response from those actually holding the big purse strings has not been pro active. 

    • Greenie 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, ditchcrawler said:

    I follow an Australian Blogger called Tom, he lived in the UK for quite some time and was a keen boater, he may even have been a member here. He has just done a posting about the Bridgwater canal as a company and who may have the money. Waiouru: Just my opinion is a safe link to his blog

    That’s quite worrying but sort of what I expect of how peel in run. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, Liam said:

    Managed and maintained by the Manchester Ship Canal Company because apparently it's on that rather than the Bridgewater.

    Even though it gets in the way if you've a big enough boat on the Ship Canal and gets pushed out the way. 

    And if you tried using it on the Bridgewater without it being there you'd end up in a hole.

    Go figure.

    Still leads back to Peel….you only have to look at the state of the rest of swing bridges on the MSC and how often shipping is delayed due to failure of the infrastructure. 

  8. Just now, PeterF said:

    The system chooses the master as you have found out. The only thing I can suggest is temperature remove the IP43 from the VE Smart network, then add it back again to see if the MPPT remains the master. You could possibly go one further and remove all bits from the network, shut down networking and start again. However, I have a feeling that once the day ends and the MPPT stops charging that the IP43 will become the master. Victron are slowly adding synchronised charging to more items.

    I will have a further fiddle but as you say once the MPPT stops charging and goes into Off mode then the IP43 takes over...its really annoying as you dont seem to be able to tun off synchronised charging....I would have thought I cant be the only one who would want the MPPT to take priority.

  9. I have noticed that in a recent firmware update my Victron IP43 Phoenix mains charger and the Smart Solar controller now seem to have synchronised charging....which sounds a good thing but in reality it seems that the mains charger is the Master meaning that whereas before due to how Id set the float voltages the Solar would float the loads during the day when there was enough sun now the mains charger tells the solar charger to shut down...and you cant choose what is the master controller...meaning while the mains charger is on I wont be getting any benefit from the solar....


    I have checked the Victron website in case I've missed anything but there seems to be no way to choose that the solar should prioritise. I have tried switching the mains charger off....and indeed the solar does then take over even when the mains charger is back on...but once there isnt any sun it all resets....


    If anyone has found a workaround Id be quite interested!

  10. Building costs have vastly increased since then…as an owner of a 200 year old cottage getting rebuild costs for insurance has been a bit of an eye opener….the rebuild cost is well in excess of the market value of the property and it’s not even listed. 

  11. I think when you live aboard you are a lot more aware of weather…so fill and empty tanks…make sure you have fuel etc. 


    People now have hermetically sealed houses with all services on tap…cars which have every safety aid…they expect all roads to be gritted and the power never to fail….and when things don’t quite happen like that they panic and somehow manage to injure themselves or others. 

  12. 1 minute ago, MtB said:


    Said yes, but not formally announced by anyone with any authority in the company. So far.


    They may well be right and have it on good authority from an internal source, but until there is a formal announcement to the media in writing by the company of its intentions speculation will continue.


    Some bloke on the towpath in a hi-vis jacket looking into the hole doesn't really cut it!





    Agreed. And if an organisation the size of Peel doesn’t have an “on call” person in the press and PR dept then they are a worse company than I first thought. 

  13. 14 minutes ago, Liam said:

    It's already been said that it will be fixed 🙂

    Words are cheaper than plant on site. If the MSC was perfectly maintained I’d be agreeing with you….sadly I’m not….lets hope I’m wrong. 

  14. 9 hours ago, IanD said:

    But this isn't the responsibility of a small team doing the work, it's down to Peel top management to decide what their strategy is -- spend a big pile of money to fix the breach, or give up and close the canal. The sum is going to be big enough that they should already be discussing this as a matter of urgency, they don't need any details from the guys at the coal face.

    I would have also thought an organisation like Peel would have a marketing and PR dept….which if they have makes CRT look positively proactive in that dept…sort of adds to the theory that while the Bridgewater Canal dept of the company wants it sorted the higher management….and let’s face it the holders of the purse strings….may well not. 

  15. 34 minutes ago, magnetman said:

    Surely once you have sold the flats it makes no difference. 

    One thing which is definitely not written down in the contract when buying a property is the view out of the windows. 

    Ahhh but they have a lot of land in the bank that’s yet to be built on…..

    1 minute ago, Mike Tee said:

    The more footage I see of this failure, the more I'm coming to the thought that it will never reopen. It will drag on for years over arguments about who is financially liable. By the time it is finally decided the cost will have risen to the point where it is just not financially viable. I hope I'm wrong.

    I share your thoughts especially given Peels record as a company. 

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