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Everything posted by Kessy

  1. Contrary to some opinions i did not purchase Bosun because because i am an aggresive person, nothing could be further from the truth. I just happen to like Bullmastiffs, very good natured with all people and most other dogs, just a big cuddly toy if you like, yet happen to have a very protective nature towards both their owner and domain. Hopefully this photo goes someway to showing his softer side and my previous posts were in no way intended to make either him or me appear to be 'best avoided', they were just a response to show my feelings towards people who choose to damage or steal others property. The guy in the pic is another boater btw who was welcomed onboard and therefore was not seen as a threat, yet i sleep well at night knowing he is there and can leave the boat unattended with him onboard for a few hours without worry.
  2. A man after my own Heart....very well said Tone. My dog 'Bosun' is very good natured with all people but know's a wrong 'un when he see's one, especially if that person appears on the Boat uninvited.
  3. Fully agree, Derek & John at P&S would be my first choice.
  4. Feeling is mutual i assure you..... Too many do gooders and Human rights activists are making this country unbearable. Why should i not take steps to protect my property from intruders? If that involves someone breaking in while the dog is present then that is their misfortune. Also, in reply to an earlier comment regarding dogs not being much of a threat i agree a lot of dogs would back down from a threat but not so a Bullmastiff, that is their temperament, to protect owner and property, that is why they were bred as game keepers dogs to catch poachers and have an inbuilt instinct to refrain any individual.
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  7. May be spending some time on the Grand union this summer and maybe a good idea if we keep updates on this thread regarding any sitings. If you see a chewed up body floating along that stretch then it may be Mr Finch, or any other unfortunate soul who picked on the wrong boat. Sorry to sound harsh but i would not stop the dog until i was sure that the intruder was not escaping.
  8. Hehe, yes it does look very peaceful at the moment....maybe i can paint my boat in Arsenal's colours and moor alongside you? :-) Have to meet up in the bar one evening for a quick beer.
  9. That may be a case, they should also look at their pricing. Would cost me £415 a month to moor there, while mooring at Lea Valley Marina is costing me £280 Apparently they have just signed up another 50 boats, now that i am going to take with a pinch of salt as i was told in december they were expecting over 100 boats to arrive at the end of january this year, yet here we are mid march and a grand total of 17 boats are there.......
  10. Took the dog for a walk today and had the camera with me so took a few snaps. Total of 17 boats moored on the 315 berth site, wonder how long until it starts filling up? http://img130.imageshack.us/i/dscf1102s.jpg/ http://img600.imageshack.us/i/dscf1103b.jpg/ http://img576.imageshack.us/i/dscf1104f.jpg/ http://img812.imageshack.us/i/dscf1108c.jpg/ http://img689.imageshack.us/i/dscf1110iy.jpg/
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  14. Received latest update this morning and Roydon is now open to accept boats. Only 6 months late from when i was initially told the Marina would be open so they have definately lost my trade :-(
  15. Hi All, I faced the same scenario end of October with my 60x12 from Watford, also never steered a Boat before :-) Day 1 we made Uxbridge Day 2 Little Venice Day 3 Stonebridge Day 4 Broxbourne We were setting off around 8am each day and mooring at around 5pm so was pleasently surprised with our progress. The worst / most concerning moments for me were turning off of the Grand Union at Bulls Bridge ? ( i think thats the one ) and Negotiating Little Venice. The tunnel was interesting in that i had to touch my paintwork up afterwards!
  16. Have sent you a direct e-mail Laurie
  17. Yep the closest to be Craneloaded in is P&S Marine at Bridgewater, Croxley. You are in good hands with Derek, John and Tom and please say hello for me when you are there...just tell them Vernon and Bosun said hello ( Bosun being my Bullmastiff ) I still have a fair bit of work to do on mine as i bought the basic Sailaway, although it is liveable and the main things left to do are tiling the bathroom and cosmetic etc. You are more than welcome to spend a day with me on my Boat over the Christmas hols and it would stand you in good stead to take the Tiller for a few hours.....no problem at all. Anytime i can be of help just message me.
  18. Hi Laurie, The moorings are Leisure only but as far as i know, as long as you are not on the Boat 'permanently' they are the same as most other places. As for availability i am unsure, i just phoned and was told they could fit me in for a couple of months so am playing it by ear at the moment, hence why i may relocate to Roydon at some point. I attended the opening day at Roydon last week and was informed the shower / toilet block may not be opening until the spring and find it somewhat bemusing how they can charge the full amount until all the amenities are up and running. As far as bringing the boat round, well the first day was very much trial and error, i had promised myself to attend a 2 day course but never got round to it for some reason and subsequantly i ended up going broadside twice in the first 4 hours!. The second day was much easier, although you have to watch the turn into the Regents canal off of the Grand Union as this is a 90 degree through a narrow bridge and i think my passage through it was more luck than judgement. Have you piloted a Widebeam before at all, or narrowboat for that matter?....i had not even been a passenger on one and it is surprising how fast you can pick it up, just don't attempt to reverse!. Have you took delivery of your boat yet? and have you bought a Sailaway / Second hand / Fitted out Newbuild? Just make sure you have at least one other person on board who is capable of bringing the Bow round at tight turns if the situation needs it. I recommend you have at least one strong boat pole at the ready and always have the ropes to hand for mooring. More than happy to advise / help as you and i appear to be....excuse the pun....in the same Boat.
  19. Hi all, First post for me, although a long time lurker! I also am toying with the idea of Roydon and although i put a deposit down January this year i had to cancel as it has dragged on for far too long :-( I was originally told the Marina would be complete by May, then definately end of July, 100% first week of October.....etc. In the end i gave up as i had sold my property and had been fitting out a Widebeam shell at Bridgewater in Watford which i had to vacate 4 weeks ago. Laurie, as for bringing your boat round to Roydon from Watford, it took myself and a friend 4 days to get to Dobbs Weir from Croxley. I thought we did pretty well as the boat is a 60x12 and it was the first time either of us had ever been on the water in one....let alone piloted, or worked a Lock ! The Islington Tunnel was a nightmare to say the least and i had to touch the paintwork up upon exiting. I currently have the Boat moored at Stanstead Abbots, Lea Valley Marina and have not ruled out a relocation to Roydon, although my current mooring is almost £150 a month cheaper. The only drawback with Stanstead Abbots is that i started to feed the Geese and Swans out of my side hatch and now they knock on the side of the boat every morning waiting for their loaf of bread :-)
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