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A fledgling share scheme is trying to find enough to make an eight-way share and I am one of four who have said they're interested so far. This weekend we are looking at Amber boats, and I have found the long thread about them and the Polish thing, and also another Polish built boat at Calcutt.

We have looked at Narrowcraft and PIper and have a couple of other Brit built boats to see too with a view to mid-08 to sort it all out.

Wish us luck!

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Hi Westyman,


I assume that you've looked at the commercial shared ownership schemes? Challenger, Owenerships, JD Boats, Elton Moss etc.


Advantages are that all the admin is taken care of, the boats mooring can be moved about the system, and selling your share is easy.


I'm in Challenger and found them to be first class. All you have to do is pay and go boating!




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I am part of a private boatshare. It came about by accident - we heard of a boat for sale but couldn't afford it so quickly got together a group of 4 like minded people. We have now been going for 5 years. Two of the original owners have dropped out - one because his wife couldn't cope with boating the other to buy a new boat. They have been fairly easily replaced. The boat is now over 20 years old but in good condition, we orginally did a lot work on it - we are a practical group - like remodelling the interior and adding CH etc. We still do our own day to day maintenance. The advantage of an old boat is that nobody is afraid to scratch it and it looks nondescipt when moored in odd places for a few days. So don't be afraid to look for a cheap second hand boat and then spend some time and money on renovation - this by the way helps give a sense of 'ownership' so members do look after it and all do bits of work while cruising.

As for a new boat our friends are well pleased with their new boat which is a 57ft trad built and fitted out by Les Wilson, not over luxurious but a good solid baot with a JD3 in it.

Have fun!!!

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