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luctor et emergo

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Posts posted by luctor et emergo

  1. Putting aside the infantile standing and pointing so typical of the forum has any body actually asked CRT what the cause of the delay is?

    You've not lived and boated on this stretch of canal, so I'll forgive the snide...


    The delay is incompetent Faving, or worse, deliberately blocking the navigation.


    Bath locks are 200 years old, build above people's cellars, leaking, and have not been maintained for at least 30 odd years.

    They are falling to pieces. They need rebuilding, from the ground up. They get battered by stag parties, hen parties, incompetent boaters,...


    The Bath locks are a testament to their builders, because they are still operable...

  2. Having once had to disappoint a forum member for having to pull out of being a crew member for the BCN Challenge ( sorry Wrigglefingers.. :-() , I feel hesitant to offer my services as a lock wheeler, but as my circumstances are markedly different now, I can commit to next year, so if any boat is in (desperate) need of a crew member with basic boating skills, I m available.

  3. I wonder why it's not been raised yet is that it may be not fully insured to be rented out? Wasn't it a privately owned boat?

    Iirc this was one of the 'Bond Class' boats, higher spec, privately owned boats that are part of the Anglo Welsh hire fleet, and sign written as such. They would be fully legit.


    As to why the boat has not been shifted yet? Because the season is over? No hire companies to complain/seek compensation?


    CRT hasn't got enough pumps to pump out quicker than the top gates leak it back in?


    Oh, and if you think that those top gates leak badly... The bottom gates were almost impossible to open, because the bottom gates leaked even more.



    Where/were edit ?

  4. We do four minutes locks up the Rushall


    You talk a fine competition from your armchair, Luctor


    Shift sleeping - why? The boat has to stop for six hours.



    I mean waiting behind other boats locking, not your own locking time. Maybe waiting in a queue doesn't cost that much time, I can't ascertain that from the cab ?.


    To keep those running around in the dark alert. It may also not be to everyone's taste to be up all night.




    An efficient stern thruster from the butty though, and there are some convenient strapping posts besides the corner of the bridge - I used on once



    You mean the momentum of butty pushing the stern of the motor? Then the stern would have ended up further in the basin to allow the bow to swing that far over...


    The strapping posts make sense, hence my comment regarding manhandling.

  6. There is something about this photo not stacking up. Is the motor in the foreground solo, or towing the boat on the right in the picture? (i know we can't see.) if he's towing, I doubt there will be enough room, physicaly, to get both pairs around, because of the swing needed to get a boot around, and there not being any room left for the butties to cut in.

    There's obviously a boat exiting the lock, and one waiting to get in, but will the motor that has just come around from the left, be able to move forward toward the lock, with his butty under the bridge, and the motor in the foreground also under the bridge.?

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