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Everything posted by W+T

  1. I was but just to worried incase the leg gets damaged with the vibration when revs get up. Its a good distance. When it gets to above 1500rpm it vibrates more.
  2. Is it ok to lift from here with no hassle from CRT etc as i have sorted a Hiab out now. If not i can take it upto Crooke.
  3. I thought that was St Mary`, ill call the today;) So i can get a Hiab with no hassle and lift there. Cool
  4. Well atleast you appreciate the size SWMBO said i thought it would be bigger, huh
  5. Just editied, i know i said St Marts
  6. Any suggestions for a place to lift out a 32 foot cruiser onto a flat deck, Wigan to Rufford stretch please. If need must a Hiab will have to do it, Tried St Marys but no lift there just standing to lift out. Admiral Faffer
  7. What a disaster today has been up to now. Got to me Pete ( The Biscuits ) this morning, the look out last night for OBD, chasing of scrotes from nicking my lady Cider i left on board. Good to meet you kida. So the disaster, we set off but after maybe half hour we ran out of diesel again, very unexpected as i put 5l in yesterday afternoon. So stuck now with the boat opposite the stadium. i dragged it back to an access road as the batteries after an hour trying to bleed the lines and now they are dead, so i walked back to the car got it and now home charging them up for a second go later on. Plan now, get back and if we can start it up fine and might crack on to Lathom junction maybe 4hrs away or Crooke Marina. which is 1.5hrs away. If it doesnt fire up then we are taking the Zodiac and going to moor the boat off side with no access from public and use the Zodiac to get to tow path. Happy days, luving it large :):) PS i am holding off the crane still lol. .
  8. Well fancy that. We got there just after 4pm. I was wondering on the trip if we would bump into anyone. Any the way my brother is controlling the boat it could well be literally. I may of got it wrong when we was looking where to leave it as i was after the off side moorings just back a bit near the car park but no access to the boat from off side path. I was concerned as there are no signs up where you are moored if its private or limited time wise. Ah my BW key, i dropped one in so lucky i have another spare at home i think, thats why i asked Mrs Biscuits if i could moor there. . We are supposed to be be back at the boat 8 am and leaving for Lathom junction. I will be as quite as possible kida incase your both still kipping
  9. I have a Transdrive on my new boat and it will not go into reverse without kicking up so i need to set it up properly but before i start faffing with it can anybody show me a link please to how to set the leg up properly. I read its adjust to reverse fully first so it locks the leg then forward gear ? I just hope i can manage to do it while in the water a its not coming out for a while yet. Thanks guys n gals Admiral Faffer
  10. What a cracking and very tiring weekend we had. Myself and my brother who came down to give me a hand got the boat from Hyde in Piccadilly Manchester ( 8 hr trip ) to Boothstown ( 5hr trip ) where we have left it for a week ready for the next run to Parbold. Weather wasnt to bad, first day was a bit moist but that busy with the bloomin locks i didnt notice much. It was interesting to visit Manchester from a different view point. I have been driving for years all over Manchester and it look so different from the canal. Bit rough, well very rough in areas and all kinds of `things` going on, morso under the city near Canal Street. Some of the locks in Manchester were flooded really bad and taken a good time to empty them. We got he first 19 done from Hyde to Piccadilly in the first day then Sunday got from Piccadilly to Boothstown in good time. It didnt start of to well as when as when we did the prep of the Friday night the engine would not start at all and in the end found it to be air in the fuel lines,and what a pig it is to get out. In the end we came back Saturday with a primer bulb to see if we can help push fuel through which did the trick while cracking the injectors a few times. The engine lift pump has failed i think and not a bad thing as i would like to fit an electric lift/fuel pump. So good weekend to get half way under the circumstances to the Ribble Link which is tidal, we are booked in for the 14th September to get to the Lancaster canal, around a 3hr trip give or take. The 6hrs to the mooring near my other boat. https://youtu.be/M1pYHPImWXI https://youtu.be/0ORmySvrI7s This was a quick blast to see ho it goes full wack. I feel happy as it will cope with ease on the Ribble https://youtu.be/ph_q-3J_8rQ I chained up the leg to give better draught which all went well and level the leg more, i need to sort the pin out yet though as the leg kicks up when in reverse. A few very close bridges, infact my brother was sure the canopy would be ok up to keep us dry from he rain on the first day. That did not last long. And a few locks had a little seepage lol.
  11. All set then Thanks again folks for the help. .
  12. Yes but no rush. Trying to spread it out over the next few weeks before the 14 September for the Ribble link. All planning time for this. I have a young lad coming along, Brothers kid., i dont want him getting fed up with a 9hr trip.
  13. Just have a look where it is, trying to find the spot on Canal plan AC Can get another half hour or so, maybe an hour.
  14. Sorted nice one. Now what if they all all taken i need a plan B. Thanks guys
  15. Who do i ask about staying there. Thanks
  16. Well this weekend we made it from Hyde To Boothstown, so next trip before we get to Parbold is to get to Wigan flight. Having not been there for some 20 odd years i am looking for a safe place to leave the boat overnight. The next day will be to get to Parbold. A few short trips is better than one Big one. Any suggestions please Admiral Faffer
  17. Reason looked into surface drive. If i do it. Which i doubt tbay will be the way But make it all myself from scratch. Syaying as is untill i know how it runs this weekend amd a few trips out. See whay arebuild will cost of the transdrive etc etc
  18. Now tht i like the loom of, exactly what mite be what i am after, prices are a bit much though, but then i would like to make my own set up, love a bit of good old engineering aswell Just the kind of info i was after. Thanks Tony, again a cracking reply. If i did do it i would not be paying much more at all. Well with all the info i have gathered i will think more on it. the main concern would be to clear the prop if it gets, well when it gets fouled. The surface drive will make this easier than adding also a weed hatch to a shaft drive. .In the time its being rebuilt i an always save the money to rebuild the Transdrive it has, its said to be good but then i dont believe a thing a seller tells me. So watch the other sapce to see what i get upto
  19. Has anybody done the above on a GRP cruiser ? What was involved and cost of parts etc. I have the engine. Admiral Faffer
  20. I am thinking on converting to inboard with prop and more ideas, but you will think i have lost the plot
  21. Not the best then. It will be atleast a week. If only a week i can then move to Rufford. Csn look at other place i guess. Just will be leaving the car at the mooring area. Its an 8hr cruise from Worsley/Boothstown to Parbold. And day before its a near 12hr run from Hyde. Dont want to go much further than Parbold if we don't need to.
  22. So plenty to choose from, nice one, dont want to get there and all space is gone. Thanks for the help Admiral Faffer
  23. Well will do as i say a few weeks, well should of said two weeks lol. Booked in the Link on the 30th
  24. Well thats good enough for me. I am doing the Ribble link end of the month so need a good stop over to leave he boat for for a few weeks. Thanks
  25. I have been trying to find on CRT website the length of time you can stay on the Parbold visitor moorings between Windmill Bridge 37 and Aqueduct 16. Any folk been there or know please as will be hoping to get there this weekend. Need 7 Day stay. Admiral Faffer
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