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Everything posted by Ana

  1. I'd like to start by saying thanks to Phil for posting a bit about himself and I wanted to tell him: OK this is interesting that you feel your community is not what I'm looking for, that makes me interested..especially after how you've presented yourself. Adding to Chris's comment about the taxes etc, I wanted to say also that I'm not looking for alternative communities that specifically don't pay their taxes or that do. For me that's a personal choice people make in their lives and it has nothing to do with me. Obviously it's going to have an impact on how you go about with your lives (for example how many times you have to move locations) but that's part of your personal story. It seems you Phil, have done quite a few different things and have then centered your life on the canal. And also the fact that in your community you fix boats, paint them etc. I mean in the end we all end up having 'normal' lives, because they're our lives. But many times people that look at your life as outsiders will pick up on things that you no longer notice. What I'm saying is that in the end it's not about what you do but how you do it, for example the group dynamics of the people you work with could be really something unique. And the fact that you say that just because you've all got something that unifies you (the physical boat) doesn't really give you common ground with many of the other people except for the pure fact you both own a boat. But it doesn't make your personal story more or less interesting, or your experience of the community for that matter. Hey, I've set out looking for alternative communities and what I could end up finding are individuals that are not part of one, but that are living alternatively lives and that live mostly in isolation!! - and that would be fine. Thanks to everyone for the discussion so far, it's being very helpful for me ana
  2. Listen people, whatever I write it seems many of you are going to interpret the wrong way. It's a lot more intelligent to ask me specific questions about what I want to do, instead of presuming things about me and my objectives with this study. I made a short post to start a discussion, so thanks to those of you who have been helpful. I had no intention of sounding like an anthropology twat that wants to go out and 'identify those exotic people living on boats'. I have lived and travelled in different continents and haven't been interested in that approach. I have a pretty 'alternative' lifestyle living here in London, so for me it seems natural to try to find those like me that have an equal lifestyle on the boats. And usually they're artists, environmentalists etc.... I have posted this because what I'm looking for, isn't easy to find. Maybe I'll manage to find it, maybe not. And hey, I'm not worried about these communities being closed to outsiders, I totally understand that they would be. But I've been in enough of these situations, so it's really only a factor that has to be overcome, full stop. And at the end once people meet me they can feel my positive energy and we can have a great interaction, which usually works to my advantage. So do jump at my throat if you have to, or have a chat with me if you're interested! x
  3. Hi everyone! I come from an anthropology background and am very interested in meeting communities living on canal boats. I was wondering if anyone is part of one or knows of communities around the UK... they can be alternative communities in the sense of being self-sustainable that are environmentally friendly, and also for example artistic communities that have for example theatre, circus or dance improvisation on boats etc (you catch my drift).... I live in London but I'd also like to get to know people in other parts of the country. Maybe you can't help me directly, but you might know someone that can, I would appreciate that. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks, Ana
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