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Everything posted by JamieM23

  1. Thanks everyone. I just wanted to confirm that I had done it right and to confirm that both my battery’s are connected in the right way: neg to neg to shunt (on the black and white end) What caught my eye was the 0.1 discharge when everything was turned off at my PMS 3H. I would have thought it would have been zero but then thinking again the BM1 is powered (on perm live) and so is the display for the heater so I’m guessing that’s where the 0.1amps is going. I also got worried when I saw the SoC at 105%, I didn’t want to over charge and damage the batteries. I have set the BM1 to 220ah via the engineering mode. thanks again all.
  2. Hi all, sorry to jump on this but you guys seem to know what you are on about. I have just installed a NASA BM1, I have 2 110ah batteries connected in parallel (connected neg to neg), wired up correctly with NO other negatives on the batteries part from the wire to the black and white side of the shunt. When everything is turned off the battery is displaying discharge of 0.01amps and when charging it goes pass 100% (to roughly 105%). I have a 100w solar panel installed (it’s giving me 0.4amps of charge due to living in Yorkshire with crap weather this time of year). The neg from the solar is also Connected to the yellow end of the shunt. Should the neg from both battery’s be connect to the black and white end of the shunt or connected together with one wire going to the black and white end? Is all this right? Have I done something wrong. Thanks in advance everyone.
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