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Everything posted by toppy007

  1. OK yeah fair point, Well if you could spare some time it would be must appreciated to get a data entree from you, and thanks if you have already done one.
  2. Some interesting data already from the few people who have contributed I've made a few more tweaks, everyone who has already submitted the form I'll still be able to use your info. Once again a big thank you https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfa6nIrVYM8PhyEX1qUBbhw0BRmmuN8VsOJ0bDljV_RJZA3yQ/viewform?usp=sf_link https://forms.gle/Um3oQMR9mgvRDij79
  3. OK cool, but I just don't think its necessary to divert the topic in this chat in that way, I've not posted a message for your opinion on if the program will be of commercial value. I'll be a MVP(minimal viable product), and I personally think that boat owners could use the program and data to better understand where value can be added or not lost to some optimism-ed levels.
  4. Ok. Well thank you for taking the time to point out I'm wasting my time, I'm not sure that was ever a question I asked.
  5. Hmmmm so you are saying that if someone was to use this trained model to value there boat for sale with a contentious name. it would struggle to meet the models predicted market value because of the name not being favorable with the majority of perspective buyers. Making the model pointless. You don't consider it may help buyers not judge a book by its cover? and owners could highlight the underlying value when negotiating the sale price? I'd also like you to remember that ML now has the ability to analyze language tone. so to some extent it's not a million miles away understanding wit to some extent.
  6. Yes sure what would you like to know about the project? Is it a student project? Yes! Do i Have experience in ML algorithms an the application of them? yes! (More in process control, and quality control) Have you read the questionnaires introduction? do you need more details how ill be creating the prediction model? Someone had commented that collecting historical date on a boats value against its features at the point of sale was pointless in terms of data, is this what I can help explain? And yes; I'm more then happy to share the progress of the project with others, and left it up to people at the end of the questionnaire to add an email address if they with to be notified about the projects progression. Would you like to know some instances where such a tool could be useful for the community? Let me know please and ill address the issues Regards Chris (I am a boater too)
  7. Chill guys (Constructive criticism welcome tho) I've made some tweaks anyways with the advice given. https://forms.gle/1KW5ig5PaMq9HUHs5 Regards
  8. Yeah bow thruster is a good point! 'And I'll add paintwork to a rating to the bottom. And I'll stew on births interms of keeping the questionnaire concise!
  9. Noted! Can't seem to get Google to allow me to just collect the year! I might just change to a typed response. Will add that boat builder too I did get the response Could I just check the value of the boat was correct? Do you mind saying what you entered? Regards Chris
  10. Hi all, just wanted to say thank you for your input on this topic. I've put together a short! questionnaire with the aim of beginning to collect data. It would be great if some of you were to cast an eye on it, fill it out or just comment on it Please follow this link . https://forms.gle/y78R1vdMfziU4ZpY8 Kind Regards Chris
  11. Yeah, I think with the 37 features id like to find about 400 training samples! Thoughts on how to go about this would be appreciated. Narrowboat Instant Quote Program Model Output = Price (Prediction) Model Inputs = Boat Specifications Training Features Current Market Infomation Date Valued Location Mooring Included Boat Overview Construction Year Boat Builder BSC Date Current Condition Sail-Away, Project Boat Style Butty, Tug, Traditional Stern, Cruiser Stern, Semi-Traditional Ster, Other Length Hull Material Steel, Aluminum, GRP, Wood Hull Condition Pitting Evident, Overplated, Last Survey Date. Hull Blacked Date Year and Type of Blacking (epoxy or bitumen) Engine Overview Engine Make Engine (hp) Engine Hours (Estimate) Engine Cooling System Keel/Skin Tank, Raw Water, Other Fitout Overview Most Resent Fitout Year Proffectional or Owner Fitted Out Layout Style Traditional, Reverse Layout Fresh Water System Fresh Water Tank Size Year Installed (Including first fit piping) Hot Water System Calorifier (Shore Electric, Engine Connected, Diesel Heater Connected, Solar Dump), Instant hot water (Electric 12v, Gas), Galley Overview Galley Amenities Sink, Fridge, Freezer Electrical System Overview First Fit WIring Age Shore Power Connector Inverter/Charger Size, Make, Age Solar Size, Type, Age, Controller make House Battery Chemisty House Battery Size (Ah) House Battery Age Heads Overview Heads Fit Out Year Number of Heads Toilet Type Cassette, Pump-out, Compostable, Incineration Amenities Shower, Bath, Sink Heating Overview Heating Type Multi fuel stove, Diesel heater (Electric or Gravity), Gas Central Heating Connected Insulation Type. Spray Foam, Fiber Glass, Celotex
  12. Thanks for input everyone, Some interesting points. I was going to ask this to the community! ebay auction sales value? approach Individuals? Or acknowledge price predictions based on advertised prices and not final sales? Any thoughts, what do you think.
  13. Dear CANAL WORLD I am currently writing an open source program to predict the value of a Canal Boat. The program will be trained on collected data. I am currently sorting this data into the features that influence the price My main question is about what features I should Include. For example I currently: Boat Age, Boat Make, Steel Thickness, Size, Material, Engine Type, Heating System, Electrical System, What else do you think I should consider? Thanks for any info
  14. Hi Just finished epoxying the bilge. I have 2ft by 2ft concrete slabs to go back down. wondered what you thought about these shim's to use to create an air flow beneath them? https://www.speedyfixings.com/product/plastic-hi-load-solid-packer-70mm-x-70-mm/?attribute_pa_dimensions=70-x-70-x-10mm&gclid=Cj0KCQjw1a6EBhC0ARIsAOiTkrHb1Ws0FKHW1CQGZ4hvUb0d3d_cspn9wPAwMZNYEhuteKlCD386LVQaArqXEALw_wcB Also should I seal the slabs with a waterproofing patio sealer to help prevent them from absorbing misture? Regards Chris
  15. Hi All I am renovating a boat and would like to temporarily remover the calorifer. Very unsure on the best way to seal up these connection until I'm ready to re-plum the heating system back in! Any advise would be much appreciated
  16. Noted! I'll add that. Maybe a voltage regulator should have be noted as well. And yes BMS needs to be for the correct cell chemistry type! 3.6-3.7v cut off and balancing. Actually the charger I've added also has a voltage cut-off pre-set. I think a lot of people don't realise that lithium ion's come in so many different forms and this maybe an issue. I'm a big fan of the lithium titanate. I'm sure these are the future of the electric inland waterways. well until solid-state comes into being. Have you come across any boat running this chemistry?
  17. Yeah well stated, agree with all of that, I however think spot welding is required when considering its performance against the compactness and ruggedness needed for portability. but using used 18650 cell means you'll not get the cycle life of new cells. but then at 80p a cell from a supplier you trust and a good vetting cell diagnostic process is key to obtaining a balanced pack. And yes I think I could of added more detail explaining the nickle connections in the pack. I might upload a small CAD animation to highlight how the cells are combined. somehow writing it down logically seems as difficult as explaining the rules of cricket! A great resource is http://www.ebikeschool.com/how-to-build-a-diy-electric-bicycle-lithium-battery-from-18650-cells/ And an option to monitor individual cells can be achieved using a PCB integrated assembles(No spot welding too). Tho this is more powerwall and less portability
  18. Hi all Just thought I'd post a battery build that I've written an instructables guide for. I wanted to build a portable battery that I could charge at work and take to the boat to relive some of the usage on the boats battery system as its a little outdated and I'm not ready for the system redesign. Its working nicely running all my low to medium voltage equipment and means I'm not enjoying anyone in the evening with the engine noise and smoke. see the link below if your interested and your thoughts would be most appreciated https://www.instructables.com/12V-Lithium-Ion-18650-55ah-Portable-Battery/
  19. Ok cool thanks yes I'm refitting a boat Guess I was interested at looking at materials that didn't absorb moister to prevent any buildup of damp. I'm happy to use marine ply with a well ventilated sub-floor and a heating system, But I guess I was looking for something to negate the ability of the sub-floor to absorb moisture as you would when looking at properties for a ballasting material. But I very much appreciated everyone's views Thanks
  20. Thanks for the Info I've been on a couple of narrowboats and all of them have had a damp feel to the floors. Is this normal as plywood will natural absorb the humility from the air? What would the perfect materiel be? a rigid, non-fatiguing, waterprof material with good thermal insulating properties.
  21. Yeah, That's something ill have to consider, and ill dig a little deeper into the young's modulus of the material
  22. Haha sorry for my explanation I saw trying to say, I was thinking of using composite sheet instead of the ply or buffalo board which I've seen commonly used as sub-flooring!
  23. Hi All, Just wondering about using some composite sheets as sub flooring. I've taken inspiration from composite decking. However this recycled plastic comes in 4 x 8 format at 25mm think. See link for an example https://www.kedel.co.uk/mixed-plastic-lumber/POB100100025.html?keyword=&matchtype=&network=u&device=c&gclid=CjwKCAiA-_L9BRBQEiwA-bm5fh45y-ypFyjxxPnglnGKZkwe1X0DiVJO1gzjvMf3Ssl75io8npSw2RoCHB0QAvD_BwE I feel its thermal properties and ability to resist moisture make it ideal as sub flooring! But Id love to get your thoughts of using it over traditional Marine-Ply or buffalo board thanks for any advise
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