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Everything posted by RickS

  1. I've got plenty of mates who learned that trick inside if I need to go that route, thanks ?
  2. Rob-M - Didn't even see the number at first! I googled it and a couple of security companies in my area came up so I will try those, thank you. But, in general, the number produced results ranging from a Suzuki motorbike lock (not the same) to model railway parts on Amazon ! ? Wotever - to be honest I wouldn't know a JCB key if it jumped up and bit me ? but I will look at agricultural merchants in the area and see if they can shed light on it - good suggestion One step nearer - thanks for the suggestions
  3. Morning I need at least one spare engine key - I only have a single key at present. My local Timpsons did not have a blank for it, so I wondered if it was a specialist thing. The engine is a Lister Petter LPWS4. Would welcome advice about where to go to get spares - steady ?
  4. Richard certainly has my permission. I will post when I know more - although with considerably less technical detail - and hopefully it will be a cruise off into the sunset with closing credits ?
  5. Richard took a look at the engine yesterday - a very positive, knowledgable and friendly chap - seems to think it is head gasket related and can be saved. I now feel that there is a very real alternative to installing a new engine, which i am not against, it's just a big outlay of cash - if I can put that off for a while at least, I shall be happy. So big thanks again to The Biscuits for suggesting i contact him - dare I say now quietly confident ?
  6. Thanks for all your replies - I'm sorry to have asked my question without reading the marina's blurb (where I have just had the boat moored) more fully - you are required to buy one or rent one from them, it says here Just hope they are not too pricey Thanks again
  7. One of many question I shall, no doubt, be asking as I have just bought a boat and now realise i should have read the isntruction manual about life on board ? Do you have to have your own metered cable when staying in a marina? If so, how much are they usually please? Thanks
  8. I hear what you are saying, and I understand in principle - I just don't feel confident disconnecting anything. It is giving me hope that it may be fixable rather than a dead loss - the problem is finding someone to have a look / work on it. The marina can only do so much, and that's OK, I get it, hopefully this chap Richard (no pressure :-)) will be able to see it
  9. You're probably right, but when the cause of the overheating isn't 100% known - and there are various ideas about the possible cause(s) - I don't want to keep trying things that cost more and more money. I am at the mercy of others' knowledge and labour to a large extent, as I know nothing about these things, so can't effect a cure myself Thanks again for this suggestion. Richard Powell got back to me and hopefully, he may be able to take a look at it.
  10. I've got one quote, waiting for another, but also dropped an email to Primrose Engineering. I'd be interested in what they have to say, thanks for that suggestion
  11. OK you asked for it ? Apparantly, the engine has been plumbed in so that the calorifier is heated first - there are also parts missing (I think re: plumbing). These parts can be taken from another Lister Petter available and the plumbing sorted. This may or may not sort the problem. If not, then the next step is to look at the head gasket. There is not a great desire to do this as it may turn up other problems. the present cooling system is external 2 inch pipework run along the swim (I have a photo but I'll have to scan it first if anyone wants to see it). The engine runs OK with the expansion cap off, but heats up very quickly (10 mins or so) All this is from others more knowledgable than me (which frankly could be anyone, but these people know their onions) as I said before - it could be just the plumbing, in which case a nice cheap fix, but don't want to just keep spending more and more money. Fitting a new engine etc takes the worry out of it for me.
  12. Are you suggesting I wear large nappies? ? Shows what i know, I can't even see the mooring pins you are refering to - you must have sharp eyes! Not 100% about the bath either - there is a crack in it (filled with sealant) so it needs to go at some point. Just not sure whether to replace like with like or go for a shower only. Long story with the engine (cut short) is that the plumbing appears to be wrong, with parts missing. This is all fixable but may not cure the overheating, so next option is the head gasket. the engine is also cooled via external pipes rather than a skin tank apparently - also not clear if these are sufficient. So plan is, rather than keep throwing money at the problem , which may not solve it (although it might!) - throw large amounts of money at the solution and get external skin tank and a new engine. Quilt no longer there - not my colour but happy to take your wife's word about the level of skill required to make it ?
  13. Perhaps I am being unfair then ? No not in a state at all. Just a few possibly obvious things: carpets need replacing, a couple of bits of rust on the roof, kitchen worktops need oiling - stuff like that, nothing major at all I agree about the engine, it is lovely and clean - runs OK but sadly it is overheating (long story) so the plan is probably to change it for a Beta 43.
  14. Thanks again to all who replied to my posts. I have now bought a boat - not on the K & A in the end, but up in the Midlands, near Daventry. It is a 66 foot 1998 trad called Country Dreams - really nice condition - need a bit of TLC etc but it is 20 years old! Anyway - I'm sure no-one is interested after such a long time ? - but I will attempt to put up some pics for those who are. Many, many thanks again for commenting / helping out with advice etc. i daresay i shall be on again shortly with more questions. Cheers (probably too many pics)
  15. As soon as it's mine, i will do - don't want to jinx it ?
  16. I was looking at that boat Tasemu - looks really nice. I have found a boat myself now, not on the K & A so slightly off-topic - just have to have a survey next week, and, all being well and money changing hands etc . . .
  17. Thanks Tracy, sounds like good advice. Not going to happen now on original boat, but never goes to waste 'Perfect optical finish' ? 'shiny palace' ? You overestimate my abilities hugely ?
  18. I agree, the inside is what drew me to this boat in the first place. Sadly there weren't any pictures of the paintwork, and I didn't think to take any myself. All a bit academic now as my initial offer was rejected and I didn't want go where the seller wanted, so at a bit of an impasse. Off to see another one tomorrow - slightly older but looks in far better condition, and just generally nicer - fingers crossed Sounds like good advice about painting in sections
  19. No, not them. But I imagine they are incredibly close to Great Haywood
  20. The broker in question (as far as I can tell from their website) seems to be a big one. The original boat I had enquired about was now under offer - even though that wasn't showing in their listings. They have been mentioned - mostly negatively - in other areas of this forum, which information is always useful but subjective. But their attitude, as I say, does not inspire me to deal with them - certainly not hand over £2k to view a boat.
  21. Intending to continuously cruise in my wildest dreams! To be fair the cratch board was in a mess that I don't think is indicative of the rest of the boat. The paintwork was rusty and tatty but not in as bad a state as the cratch - and of course much more easily fixed / bought
  22. Absolutely agree MrsM about this forum. I will be tapping into the collective knowledge and experience as much as I can now I have seen how helpful people are on here - and I need all the help I can get ? Thanks LadyG for your observations - all make sense and the electrics in particular I hadn't thought about. My offer on the boat was rejected sadly and wasn't entirely happy about upping it to the level wanted, considering the amount of work probably needed. Learned loads from this forum by asking about it though, and makes me confident enough to look at others now ?
  23. After I thought about it a bit more - I could maybe (maybe) see where he was coming from - a bit. The broker was based a distance away from where the boat was, so I sort of understand paying someone to show people round. Makes sense to try and get as many people to view within a specific period - a weekend. But asking for a deposit to view did not feel right. If you have to effectively turn people away from viewing because it doesn't fit your staffing pattern, perhaps they are over-reaching themselves and their business model is a bit flawed. Didn't inspire confidence so, sadly, won't be looking at their boats - which is a shame because there are a few that I liked
  24. Crowbarring this in here but not sure how normal this is. I have had my initial offer on the boat I started this topic about rejected - no problem, upwards and onwards etc. Expressed an interest in another boat with another broker who told me it was available to view this weekend - I can't do this weekend so suggested anytime next week. They have a problem with that as they have to 'employ people to take people around the boat' and would only be available at the weekend. Then asked whether I would like to put down a holding deposit to be able to view within 7 days (seemed to contradict point 1). Ddin't want to hand over money without seeing the boat first. Asked again about seeing it in the week - told it was in a marina where I would not be able to gain access !! All sounded like a load of old cods and the aroma of rat was making it's presence apparent. I said not to worry and that was that. Is this normal broker stuff?
  25. It is nice - bath will go if they sell it to me. Don't even think of being tempted ?
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