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Posts posted by Dyad

  1. Ta, the good news is that I paid for the boat I found about an hour ago so today is the day I officially became a narrowboat owner... it will be a few weeks before I pick her up as she needs a bit of work doing, not a great deal but the workshop is obviously booked up some time in advance. I'm hoping to collect her around mid-September and bring her south.


    A few people worked out what boat it was on another thread from the clues I gave, but for anybody interested here's the link. http://www.aqueductbrokerage.co.uk/index.php/boats-for-sale/boat/desiree


    Congratulations, looks like a nice boat. cheers.gif

  2. It does happen already in certain cases e.g. bridge restoration on the northern section of Oxford Canal.


    However, I totally disagree that using WRG/IWA resources on maintenance of the existing system will be better than restoration of a closed canal. Folk who are members of a specific canal society for example will be happy to contribute to their own project (say reopening the closed sections of the Ashby) but unwilling to put money into general maintenance across the system above their own cause. In any case opening of the full length of the Ashby, Cotswold canals, Wilts and Berks to name but a few would enhance the system and be a real asset to all.


    And CRT have volunteer groups like towpath taskforce to do work without stepping on the toes of the maintenance teams.

  3. I'm about to get to Sheffield on the South Yorkshire Navigation and then will cruise to Keadby to start on the tidal Trent.


    Does anyone know where I can buy a marine VHF radio between Sheffield and Keadby? It has to be in a physical shop, i.e. not on the internet.


    Oh, and what would you recommend? I'm expecting to pay up to £150. It doesn't have to have all the bells and whistles.




    Have you tried Maplin, they do some which can be ordered and collected from store.

  4. No one here needs to fess up publicly at all! I originally asked for people to PM me. And they have. It just so happens people have chosen to "come out" here too! wink.png


    I'm not ashamed, I genuinely thought I'd settled my bill it wasn't until today I thought maybe I'd do a tally, it doesn't help when the receipt is just the card receipt and I can't remember exactly how many drinks I had, hic.

  5. I don't think so MTB mentions three meals and then Dyad mentions his.......equals four.


    There's still a stroganoff outstanding


    Puds said a third meal had been identified, after which Dyad stated it was his.


    That's how I read it anyway. Maybe dyad or Puds will clarify later.





    Yeah, I pm'ed BSP first then posted just after Pud did, so we are talking about the same meal

  6. Dyad was with us on the BSP table IIRC.


    I think there were one or two other forum members there we havn't thought of yet...



    I had already eaten when sitting with the Woodstocks before coming over to your table. Your food arrived then after that came the mighty CAKE

    My food bill was with my drinks tab which I settled up when I bought my last drink for the night.




    They had a list of four meals unpaid-for, but couldn't say to which table to which each meal was served. I'm beginning to smell a Big Rat.



    Anyway. BSP needs to be re-imbursed the expense. I'll make sure this happens.


    I'd have paid the excess myself last night had I been less phased by the whole affair!





    It seemed like organised chaos with the lads just jotting down orders on notepads. We don't know if it wasn't just a clerical error, i.e. they might just have duplicate notes of the same order.

    If this is not resolved we need to reimburse BSP, the food was good though.

  8. Aww have followed this thread and watched all my favourite people make plans to celebrate the birthday of another of my most favouritest people and I'm gutted that we're not there because we always are and should be! We would have been working our boat to the venue with me working out train times to get to work and would then have provided an ickle bit of extra accommodation. This is the world as it should be right now, but failing that I need one of those Star Trek jobbies where you get disassembled in one spot and reassembled inn another. How cool an entrance would that be!


    Have a fantastic, epic banter Ms. Pud - me & Dave are with you in spirit if not in person.




    We'll miss you guys, I'll have a Newkie Brown for you. cheers.gif

  9. Was the boat previously owned by a brian sturgeon?




    "The hippocampus (named after its resemblance to the seahorse, from the Greek hippos meaning "horse" and kampos meaning "sea monster") is a major component of the brains of humans and other vertebrates. Humans and other mammals have two hippocampi, one in each side of the brain. It belongs to the limbic system and plays important roles in the consolidation of information from short-term memory to long-term memory and spatial navigation. The hippocampus is located under the cerebral cortex;[1] and in primates it is located in the medial temporal lobe, underneath the cortical surface. It contains two main interlocking parts: Ammon's horn[2] and the dentate gyrus."








    Oh, it's not a place where hippos go to learn then. biggrin.png

  10. As title.


    Coasty and I will be havin' a banter in the Royal Oak/Hungry Horse by bridge 73 on the northern Oxford TONIGHT!


    From about 8.30 onwards. Anyone who can make it is welcome!!






    Oh crap, I read this too late didn't I, I'm working in Rugby tonight and I could of popped in for a soft drink before hand oh well, see you at Alvrcote next week. cheers.gif

  11. Just to let you know, various complicated plans have come together and as well as us being there Tawny will be too clapping.gif


    So very sorry to those who have already booked non refundable rooms, but if anyone wants a bed let us know, first come first served.

    We should be there Friday and Saturday night.


    We have friends using her this weekend, and managed to get them to change their route so they leave her near Alvecote, which has made it possible to be there by boat. At first they were going to Stratford, but then decided on Birmingham hence the chance to get her to Alvecote.




    Edited after Carlt so eloquently pointed out my typohelp.gif

    There are never any fisticuffs on Tawnybiggrin.png




    Could I have a Fri night too if there's room?

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