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Everything posted by Bromleyxphil

  1. So this pump https://www.mackengineering.co.uk/r3426-344a-24v-triplex-pressure-controlled-pump.html doesn’t need one. As I said I have now been using one in my camper without any expansion for years.
  2. It’s just I have used these in two camper systems the latest with a calorifier and gas heater in the system with no expansion or accumulator and they don’t cycle or have an issue with expansion.
  3. Excuse my ignorance but what is the difference between an accumulator and an expansion vessel
  4. Most folk seem to give up a cupboard space in the kitchen for the positioning of all the electrical paraphernalia, I mean the fuses the inverter solar controller etc. Is there any reason that all of this equipment couldn’t be positioned underneath the steps running down from the back of the boat. Phil You may be able to tell that I am quite new to this forum thing is it better to put all of my questions on separate threads underneath the topic title or should I really be doing one complete Thread on my build or more specifically my design with all of my silly questions in it. I have a sneaky suspicion that I will be questionner for a long time before I know enough to become an answerer.
  5. Any progress on the fit out? I am going to start one after Christmas so would be interested in your progress. Phil
  6. There you go Dave....just needed a little “gee up” from me. It’s looking great, keep up the good work. Phil
  7. If I wanted the bedroom that warm believe me I would do it . I like the bedroom cool but not freezing hence the hole, will I fall foul of any bss rules ?
  8. Hi guys I am really enjoying running all of my ideas past you and really appreciate you taking the time to look at them. This is related to the stove in that there will be a bedroom situated at the back of the fireplace I was wondering if it would be possible to place a 4 inch diameter hole behind the stove in order to let the heat from the back of the stove transfer into the bedroom. I visualise a 4 inch hole through the tile and fireproof material and then a 6 inch hole through the wall material with some sort of metal grill across to stop anything transferring through the hole and catching fire on the back of the stove Phil
  9. That’s about the size of it........no one think it won’t work? thanks all for your answers Phil
  10. So the upshot is that it should work. My preferred pump is one of these https://www.mackengineering.co.uk/r3426-344a-24v-triplex-pressure-controlled-pump.html. I have used them before and found them to be bombproof with no need for an accumulator in the system.
  11. Hi my kitchen sink and shower are quite a long way apart in the design so I am thinking of a two calorifier System one sited behind the sink and one sited next to the shower. I will plumb the heater side from the engine and diesel heater in series, pipe the cold feed from a T between the two possibly with a non return just before each calorifier. Will it work? I hope it will lessen the cold run before the hot hits the tap so save water. phil
  12. Thanks I said it was stupid but it crossed my mind so asked
  13. Sorry not explained very well, i do know its the towpath side I am still fine tuning the design and wondered if you ended up mooring more on one side of the boat than the other...of the boat. I do like the humor though. phil
  14. Sorry if this is a stupid question but do you tend to moor up more on one side than the other. when we hired i remember about 50 50 am I wrong. Phil
  15. I am now starting to look around at stoves and went to a stove shop today where I wasa told that cast iron stoves are better than steel as they distribute the heat more evenly and the current fires with big windows give out more heat as they are flatter giving more area on the front. Both points sound like bo**ocks to me as i cant see the heating of two metals being so different and I thought most heat comes from the metal and not the air washed glass. I am interested however in why some folk prefer steel? By the way the woman in the shop recommended this stove https://www.gr8fires.co.uk/aarrow-ecoburn-plus-7-kw-flexifuel-multi-fuel-wood-burning-stove Surprisingly given her advice its steel and small windowed.
  16. “He builds fabulous shells”...........is that not what you want from a boatbuilder? “but is uncomfortable with new technology or schedules even”.........boatbuilding isn’t exactly new technology and they all work on “boatbuilder time”
  17. Dave the project must have progressed since August and as someone about to start in the new year I would love to see more. Phil
  18. What about this https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Morso-Squirrel-1430-brand-new-multifuel-stove/272918430590?hash=item3f8b34c37e:g:sHEAAOSwVtZZ~h0L is it a good buy, they state that they are new does your experienced eye spot a problem?
  19. This is my plan but I may not have explained it very well This is still the way I intend to proceed as no one has convinced me it won’t work. Phil
  20. I must admit the Hammerite covered with blacking makes sense to me as the Hammerite wont be affected by the diesel in the canal. I have always had good experience with Hammerite but have a friend who runs a truck fleet hauling road salt who swears that Rustolium is a stronger product. What product would you recommend for engine room and bilge?
  21. It’s amazing when you talk to your friends about a particular subject what turns up. I have now been told about a display Aga Ludlow that is coming out after Christmas http://agastoves.co.uk/aga-stoves/traditional-stoves/ludlow-family/ludlow#sthash.0FJqWiiW.dpbs. It’s never been lit and should be half price. Are these big enough and are they used on boats.?
  22. Thanks for the replies I decided not to go for the Morso in a hurry as it seems not to be the bargain I was being told it was. I have however been told not to get a stove with too high an output as working a lower output stove harder keeps the flue in better condition. Is this true?
  23. F_C_ now I have no idea what temperature he means
  24. I haven't got to researching stoves yet so dont know if its worth it or what i want but he paid £950 a year ago for a travel van then found he couldn't insure the vehicle with that size stove in.
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