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Everything posted by Slimmyman

  1. Wow, thanks a lot for so many responses.. Yes i'm seeking to live aboard with my girlfriend. So the longer the better really. I'm at work currently but will give a thorough read to all the replies when I get a chance today.. Thanks a lot!
  2. Hi there, I have been a long time silent lurker of these forums, learning as much as I can about the world of boating. A year has passed and I'm finally ready to go and search for my perfect narrowboat. I'm heading to Whilton Marina and Rugby Boats this weekend, hopefully will be able to view ABNB too. I have a fairly strict budget of 35k to spend on my first boat (including a survey), I am wondering if I could get any advise on selecting a decent boat. My initial thought is to aim to spend around 25k on a boat purchase and then spend the additional 10k on upgrading components that need to be upgraded. It's obviously a bit overwhelming, the amount of knowledge there is to be learnt and it feels like there will be a very steep learning curve upon purchase, but any advice would be greatly appreciated. What are the usual major initial costs after purchasing a boat? I understand it's different for every boat, but I would like to keep an emergency fund for any urgent work that reveals itself.. Also, it seems most the boats in my price range have very small water tanks. Are these costly to upgrade? Sorry for all the basic questions Nice to meet you all! Jim
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