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    Oxford Canal
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    Oxford Canal

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Gongoozler (1/12)



  1. Thanks boatman, I've just had a look at the stoppages and can only see two, neither of which effect the area I'm looking at...is there somewhere else I need to go?
  2. Hi All, I'm in need of some advice about the general conditions on the Southern Oxford canal over winter between Aynho and Thrupp, single helming a 70 footer. Trying to plan ahead, but having never wintered on a canal before (always been on the Thames) I'm not quite sure what to expect - freezing, flooding, levels etc. Are there any notoriously difficult/good spots? eg. I've heard the lift bridge at Lower Heyford can be inpassible? Currently a continuous cruiser, but considering buying a 'general towpath' winter permit to negate the 14 day rule. Need to access services (water/pumpout), I'm thinking of shuttling between Lower Heyford and Enslow Marina - any thoughts on this route in particular? Thanks, Jude
  3. Thank you all for your thoughts. Maybe I should try sleeping in there to consider keeping it for guests. The thing is that although it would obviously offer guests privacy over the forecabin, they would have to navigate the engine room and our bedroom to use the bathroom, which in the night could be challenging (nothing to do with the likelihood of beverages having been consumed! But another berth does add value and it would be more in keeping with trad expectations. True Alan, maybe I am being a bit harsh on the construction quality. I agree about resale value, I don't want to ruin the trad feel even if it is not authentic! Re the tunnels, I do apologise for blinding you - we'd only just picked Malvern up and hadn't realised the lights were like that. After you called out to us we did re angle so those following you were spared! Thank you for pointing it out, sometimes you don't realise things until you're told! Apologies to anyone else we dazzled that day too... Dave, this is what I have been thinking about - whether we would be able to keep the frontage but hide a full length hanging behind it. It would mean altering the apetures perhaps-its got one of those tiny square doors at the top (what are they for?) but if we were to do that the overall cabin style could be retained. It's not the original materials so there's not so much pressure to keep every inch intact. In fact I wouldn't dream of doing anything if it was 100% original! Very intersting thought, as in a freestanding unit that sits on top...hmm...
  4. Indeed, but we already have somewhere to sleep and I would go mad if i had to return to fold up fold down arrangements!
  5. Hi All, My partner and I have recently bought nb Malvern, and while she is lovely, we are struggling to make good use of the boatman's cabin. We would really like to make some adaptations to it, but I worry that by changing it from traditional style we would be 'disrepecting' or devaluing her. We could really do with installing some clothes hanging space, which could go on the port side, and are considering cupboards to replace half the seating on the starboard side. We would likely lose the double berth, but this would not be a problem for us. It could be possible to face any adaptations in traditional style. I'd love to hear what others think - should cabins always stay traditional? Has anyone else made adaptations to their cabins? I should add that the quality of the current cabin build is moderate at best and not original. Many thanks, Jude
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