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Everything posted by janeygirl

  1. Thank you for that. I have many years sailing experience, some sea and some the broads but always sail and I have never had a narrow boat before and I am finding the whole experience exciting but quite scary. Hope it wasn't me at the helm of the sailing cruiser:) Actually there are not many narrow boats on the broads at all which is quite nice as I have a liking for being different; added benefit is I had a horrid experience in a lock many years ago, near Hebden Bridge, and wussy though it maybe I am glad my chosen waterway does not have them. JG
  2. Crikey!!!!!!!!! Well thanks again. Will take pictures of hole and engine and add more to my purchase price if possible. Might just sell boat and by a caravan
  3. Well thanks to everyone, this is great fun, I will look at all the options now and trust me, will be coming up with lots more questions.
  4. About 3000, maybe a bit more.
  5. Many rears ago in my youth I once tied up between two posts on Breydon in my sailing boat. When the tide went out I found I had moored between the skeleton stern posts of a ship wreck. I have become more experienced over the years though but still don't like Breydon very much.
  6. It's worn on top of it;s worness I think. Actually with apologies to enthusiasts my interest is sadly lacking. I just want it to work when I want it to and take me where I want to go.
  7. Thank you, I think so too. Once I get the hang of this I will post some before and after pictures, they are hilarious. It was fitted out by Bodgit and Legit and boy did they do that. Minor changes turned into major refit but I am very proud of her now.
  8. It's a Ducatti! only know this because there was a little instruction book, all tattered and stuck together with yellowing sellotape. All I know is everyone who lifted the boards and looked at it shook their heads and muttered oh dear oh dear, including the surveyor. I think there have been improvisations to it over the years because there are things stuck on it that don't bear any resemblance to the pictures in the book.
  9. Hi all am a newbie though am sure that you will never guess from my questions now and in the future!! I have a 30' Springer (don't groan) she is perfectly sweet (you can groan). There is a hideous lump in the stern, I believe it is called an engine and is probably as old as Summertime herself. It does not work very well, thumping, smoking, spilling are but a few adjectives I would use, also it is severely embarrassing being overtaken by ducks. I am based on the Norfolk Broads which is gently tidal, unless you are going under Potter Heigham Bridge when there is nothing gentle about it. My renovations inside are almost complete and I now need a new engine: my question is which one? What size, type etc would be suitable to cope with tidal rivers and broads. Also, I noticed when examining her out of the water that the prop is very close to the weed hatch, you could barely slip a piece of paper between them, is this normal? I don't have an endless pot of gold but do need to make sure I get the best that I can as this will be my boat for life. All suggestions greatfully received. cheers JG
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