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Sunday 6th June



My fourth Sunday of the trip, but alas the penultimate one! A bit strange today, passing through all those places where I've previously spent many hours on the bank, so to speak. Windsor to Maidenhead, where I walked on my scout standard 6 mile hike, the sounding arch at Maidenhead where I spent many hours with my Father fishing for barbel, passing within a mile or so of where I was born in Taplow, Maidenhead to Cookham where I remember walking with a girl from school, Formosa Island where we spent some time at the scout camp site, Cookham Dean up on the hill where I spent my first couple of years in a caravan behind the jolly farmer, and onto Marlow where we stopped for the night, passing the Longridge scout boating centre where many more good times were had. Today we saw more cormorants, some kingfishers and red kites. We gave Stephen, Tessa and family a short trip from the sounding arch to the top of boulters lock, passed through the mayhem of the dinghy races at Cookham and Bourne End. Lost control of the boat in boulters lock, went for a walk around Marlow and sent Tom and Tasha home. Chicken Dopiaza for dinner and peace and quiet. And last but not least, not a hint of the promised rain - a bit special today.


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