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Posts posted by Québec

  1. Have searched through various mattress related threads, and can't find the answer to this one (apologies if I've missed it).


    We're loooking to get a new mattress for our double bed on our boat. As it's a 'cross' bed - we need something that folds or rolls to about 3 foot/1m wide.


    We're currently sleeping on four well-made, quite firm foam seat cushions that came with the boat, which we cover with a thin duvet then a bottom sheet (then us and a thicker duvet). It's OK but just a bit too hard.


    So is it foam or futon?


    If foam - is it foam base plus a memory foam topper? or a single combined foam base + topper? (Though I don't think the latter fold or roll).


    If futon - what about damp if it's made from 'natural stuff'?


    If it helps, we've both got 'dodgy' backs so tend to go for medium-firm but comfortable


    Advice based on experience would be very welcome. Thanks in advance.

  2. have a bit of a celibation of your new boat, and enjoy doing it.


    renaming of boats should be accompanied by the sacrifice of virgins.


    Is there a connection? Clearly celibacy is no obstacle to engaging in the latter in the course of renaming ceremonies.


    (Apologies to Daniel, but couldn't resist)

  3. Agree with everything about the combination of really useful information, willingness to help, vibrancy, cut and thrust etc., etc., and the fantastic range of topics from the highly specialised and technical to discussing life, the universe and everything.


    I joined last November (BTW at what point - if ever - does the conversion from 'newbie' to 'oldie' occur?) and immediately plunged into the fray with questions about the particular and complex challenges we were facing buying our first boat. The help and advice I received were invaluable, and I've been reading and contributing ever since.


    However, I'm a member of several professional and personal discussion forums (one of the former makes the CWDF discussions seem like the gentle whisperings in a library corner!) and am happy to wade in where others may fear to tread..


    The OP asked how it might all look and sound to a 'newbie'.


    Athy mentioned it was a bit like walking into a strange pub, and whilst there are some like me who are happy to walk in, order a pint, and join in, I'm sure there are others who would like to do so, and may have a lot contribute, but are hanging around the doorway looking in and listening but feel unable to enter- because they possibly feel slightly intimidated, are unsure, are nervous about the response they might get - especially if they ask what might be a 'silly' or 'naive' question. etc. etc.


    The natural response of those on the 'inside' is to say - "don't be silly, just join in, you're most welcome, we're quite nice really (just ignore x - bark's much worse than bite)". But those on the 'outside' don't see or hear that, and the onus shouldn't be entirely on them to make the effort to join in.


    "By their actions shall they be known".

  4. Searching for information about mattresses and mattress toppers so happened across this thread.


    We just ordered a non-standard-size mattress topper for a double sofa bed at home from these people




    Very helpful. No extra charge for cutting it to size. Ordered it on Tuesday lunchtime (day after the Easter Bank holiday), delivered first thing the next morning. Next day delivery charge included in the price. Very pleased with it. Will probably use them for a topper for the bed on the boat.

  5. "Sensible" and "Fair" are relative, subjective and slippery terms.


    In the end the seller need not sell, and the buyer need not buy.


    Acting honourably has little to do with what is deemed (by whom?) to be sensible and fair.


    When we bought our house over twenty years ago it was at that time when property prices were spiralling ever upwards on what seemed like a daily basis, and houses were being purchased within hours of being put on the market. Our offer - at the asking price - was made and accepted in March. But the sellers wanted to stay till school ended in July. We agreed and shook hands on it. By the time July came the value of the house had increased substantially, and the estate agent was going ballistic as the sellers refused to increase their price or to consider any other - in some cases much higher - offers even though the sale had not been finalised.


    The price we paid was certainly not 'sensible' - given the market conditions, and who's to say whether it was fair or not. What is indisputable is that the sellers (and we ourselves, I would like to think) acted honourably throughout.

  6. Can I just add my professional tuppence worth here


    The swing bridge is claimed to be a problem. Is it the only access? If so, this will not be acceptable to the emergency services


    550 homes is a heck of a lot off one access anyway, normally anything over 200 needs two accesses


    For info:


    There are 475 houses and three access points.


    There are also 276 documents associated with the proposal!!


    Here's the master plan 'overview' that seems to be the most useful.




    And here's a Google street view of the site from the swing bridge over the canal


    Greenhilll site


    Have some interest as I used to live very close to there, and crossed that bridge almost every day.

  7. The boat we purchased last November had been on sale and out of the water for c. a year. When first put up for sale it was a totally unrealistic price (hence the length of time out of the water). By the time we became interested it had dropped a third. Given its condition, and having done our homework comparing prices of other boats in similar condition, we put in an offer of half the original asking price - subject to survey. Following the survey we made an offer of less than half the original asking price, which was accepted.


    We did our homework, and backed up our reduced offers with the evidence (e.g. survey findings).



    A frog. He came with the boat but I like him. He always turns around to face backwards though.


    SNAP!! Very fond of frogs. Always had them in our miniscule garden pond. When my son was 11 he went on to BBC Junior Mastermind and frogs was his specialist subject

  9. Usually whistling, and occasionally listening to The Doors (or Jose Feliciano if you want Light my Fire - lite).


    Use 'noughts and crosses' of kindling plus some larger pieces of wood. One lit 'firematch' in the centre (one of those small firelighters with a match head attached).

    Keep door slightly open.

    Wait till decent fire going (I hardl;y dare mention it... but the Ecofan is a good guide!) then add some coal.

    Hasn't failed yet.

  10. I've got the full Norton suite as I get it from work and occasionally work from home. However, it does slow the machine down, so were advised by a IT colleague to get STOPzilla and have that running full time, and programme Norton only to run a full scan during the wee small hours.


    STOPzilla seems to be catching most if not all of the 'dodgy stuff', and one feature I like is its 'Black List' of sites. If it's not sure about a site it flags it up, and you can decide whether to put it on the 'Black list' or not. Same with the dreaded Pops-ups. You can set it to automatically stop and flag-up pop-ups, at which point you can decide to allow or block. Once blocked they stay blocked until you decide otherwise.


    I'm sure others packages do very similar things, but we're very happy with STOPzilla.

  11. It might sound like a stupid suggestion but have you tightened (checked/adjusted) the stern gland stuffing gland.

    A hole in the floor at the very rear of the cabin wiil enable you to check if any water has gotten under the floor.


    Thanks for the replies and suggestions, and - being new - no suggestion is ever stupid....though possibly my questions are :lol:

  12. Still on bilges, but I hope you won't mind me shifting this slightly as I'm clearly dealing here with people who know and care about bilges.....


    New purchase of 22 yr old nb. Had everything i.e. engine, prop shaft, stern gland etc serviced just after the New Year. Recently noticed drip from stern gland every time we've taken the boat out. Used grease pump which stops drip until the next time we take her out. Is this to be expected? If not, what needs to be done?

  13. Thanks for the update... however, don't put them down too much as they are pouring effort into being the best service on the canals, so do report the poor service area and they should look at it as soon as they can !!


    Respect to 3 ! We recently bought a 3 Mifi dongle. Had a load of problems with getting connected and then drop off. Got in touch with 3 via Jo_ who was already in touch with them. Got a very full and speedy response from them which - as well as the written reply - included finding out the mast we were connecting to, discovering there was a fault and re-setting the mast. Now things much improved. They also discovered that there was a mistake in their printed guide that comes with the Mifi, which explained why we thought we were getting no signal when in fact we were.....just.


    So, yes, they seem to be doing their best, and can't fault their customer service....and it's not often one can that about customer service generally.

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