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Kate and James

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Posts posted by Kate and James

  1. ... so we're going to buy a tatty weekender and do it up, hone our fittng out skills on the practice one first, and play on the water whilst we wait!!


    does anyone know of a cheap (very cheap) nb for sale in the Lancs/ Yorks area??


    K xx

  2. Actually I do believe that the General Election should have a "None of the above" box and I spoil my ballot paper by adding one.


    Rather like me posting that I had no intention of voting in this ballot.





    In New Zealand that is actually an option! They have a box for 'I have no faith in any of the above parties'

    Genius and I want one for our election!!!!

  3. Did anyone think the presenter has been watching too much Grand Designs? He was practically a clone of Kevin McCloud!



    Oh god yes!! hahaha!!




    Goog God!!!!! have you seen the prices????? OUCH!!

    edited to add, that I guess for what it is it's not really to bad, just the thought of £900.00 for basically a night out for 6... maybe it's because we're a bit broke at the moment... but that'd hurt my wallet a LOT!!!

  4. Thanks Lady Muck, that does look good, I'm thinking of space to, if I've managed to cull my christmas decorations I'm sure I can make other sacrifces!! Thhe fact that it can handle curtains is reassuring, I did buy a mini sewing machine a few years ago that could barley cope with anything so a good review is always reassuring!!

  5. Evening folks,

    I'm going to get a new sewing machine, only thinking ahead I want to get one that I can use onboard otherwise it'll be a bit pointless!! So, do any of you CCers have a good one, or have you sucessfully adapted one to 12v somehow??


    K xx

  6. We're moored about half a mile from where we can safely park the car. Last night at about 9pm I was pushing a wheelbarrow full of shopping along the frozen snowey towpath when the bloody wheel fell off........for maybe a millisecond or two I might just have missed the ability to park on th drive outside the house like I used too !!!!!!




    We've been collecting our shopping in my plastic washing basket with a rope tied to it, great fun! We've had pleanty of people struggling saying that they should have done that! Oh, and Connor's loving being dragged along in it!!

  7. Do they need gain?


    Last night some twonker picked up our bag of cardboard for recycling and tipped it over next doors garden, assuming it wasn't next door, what is that gain? Other than a sense of satisfaction at proving they were a twonker, and saying to their mates as they smoke skunk in the den, "h h h we did that, won it funny"


    Sad but true :lol:

  8. I think it depends upon the fuel you can use.


    As I understand it burning wood does not require a firebrick lining but if you burn solid fuel it may damage the stove body without the firebricks around the combustion area.


    Personally I would go for firebricks so you can burn anything.



    Cool, thanks... that's pretty much what we were thinking, just wanted to be sure!

  9. Hi guys,

    We're looking at buying a multifuel stove and have our eyes on a couple, around the same price and size, but one has a fire brick lining and the other a cast iron lining... Is one better than the other? Or can we just go for the pretty one??

    Looking forward to your advise,



  10. Dear David,

    A good friend of ours has had a large tumor found in her bladder which is being operated on on Wednesday, they're fairly certan that it's cancerous too. You're not alone, and as others have said postive thinkng does play a vital role in the outcomes of these things. With that in mind, we hope that you and your medical team make the right decisions, and we look forward to reading about your recovery.

    best wishes,

    Kate and James

  11. (going back to the OP)

    Rubbish!! I'm so sorry for you!! We'd be gutted if that happened to us, really really hope you find something else really soon xxx


    (As for every one else... carry on!!)

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