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norm 'n' Q

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Posts posted by norm 'n' Q

  1. Nent force

    "During the area's peak of prosperity in 1776 John Smeaton began construction of an underground drain to assist with the transport of extracted materials as well as locate new mineral seams. The canal took 66 years to construct at a cost of £80,000, and became known as "Smeaton's Folly". In the 1830s mine manager and engineer said that it could be visited "in boats 30 feet in length, which are propelled in four feet of water by means of sticks projecting from the sides of the level; and thus may be enjoyed the singular novelty of sailing a few miles underground". It was intended to be 9 feet square but in the softer terrain was extended to 9'x16', dead level for 3.75 miles (6 km) to allow boat use, with a rise of 35 fathoms (64 m) at Lovelady Shield and then driven into the Nenthead ground. The amount of ore found was disappointing, though not insignificant.


    Access to the Nent force level is currently extremely difficult although efforts have been made to develop a heritage centre to make this extraordinary piece of engineering accessible to the public"



    Found this and thought it might be interesting to some.


    Some pics here.


  2. Congratulations "Happy Chappy".


    Sounds good, and can't wait to hear more about your experiences of owning and improving her.


    Good luck!




    Thanks Alan

    Got to work at the moment but i'll be back later with lots of questions.

  3. Well ladies and gentlemen,

    Iv'e done it !!!

    We went and viewed Friday, had a good look around asked loads of questions i don't think he was expecting.

    We were going to put an offer in then decided to go back yesterday and have a trip out on her.

    What can i say. Handled great, engine sounds sweet, my 12 year old son loves it. (he had a turn on the tiller)

    Few issues with the internal fit out but nothing that we can't fix.

    Well we haggled (thanks John Orentas) and i wrote a cheque out.

    Life is sweet at the moment, can't wait to get out and about.


    I am a very happy chappy :lol:

  4. I would, but that is indeed the very next thing that you yourself did.



    :lol: Sorry, you weren't to know!




    I should have realised :lol:

    Iv'e been following your recent travels on here :lol:



    Looks like a very nice boat to me Norm, obviously subject to verification as others have said.. Good price too but don't let that stop you from haggling hard..


    It's a buyers market!



    Thanks John i'll try

  5. That said - I would also strongly reccommend that you look at least andother 6 boats (goto a marina / brokerage like whilton - you will quickly guage what the quality of the finish of the boat/ fittings in against other - it wll give you a guide...


    sounds like a bank holiday weekend plan...


    Thanks Strads, looks that way :lol:



    OH took one look at the photo and said "Evans and Sons" - ours is 1995, so watch out for the things that we have had problems with:


    - the weed hatch is diabolical to get to. You will need to lift the weed hatch at some time, check it out. Remember you may need to do it with a hot engine next to you too.

    - we had to have the swim tank replaced as it was not sufficiently cooling the engine, the original was a box about 4 inches thick, with only 4 square feet against the swim, and no baffles - see this gallery for photos of what it used to look like.



    I'm sure plenty of other people can offer advice about what to look for too.

    Good luck



    Cheers for that Cath and thank your other half for me would you.




    One further thought....


    The advert says.....


    "The insulation through out the boat is up to a high standard"


    but doesn't say with what.


    It's hard to tell, but assuming the windows are normal narrowboat style single glazed ones, there appears to be a pretty narrow wooden trim around the inside edge of each, and this sits flush with the cabin linings.


    It's possible therefore that the gap between the back of the cabin linings and the inside of the cabin steel work is no more than an inch, possibly less.


    That doesn't leave a lot of space for insulation.


    Spray-foamed boats were not that common 14 years ago, so it's more likely the insulation is polystyrene or "rockwool". In either of those last two cases, I'm wondering if there is room for enough of the stuff to form a good insulation layer.


    Trying to sort out an under-insulated boat would be nigh on impossible without stripping the insides out and starting again, so it's well worth understanding what this boat is insulated with, and how much of it.


    Stating the obvious, perhaps, but as the radiators are not installed, this boat seems to have no other heat source in it than the diesel Rayburn.




    Thanks Alan good advice there.


    I'll report back when we have had a good look at her.

  6. Hello everyone,


    Been lurking for a while now :lol:

    My partner and i are at present looking to buy a narrowboat and searching through this site has helped us out a lot.

    So thanks to all of you, it's a minefield out there.


    We have placed an offer on a 42' cruiser stern and are awaiting a reply. (fingers crossed)

    We would probably end up on the Leeds Liverpool somewhere around Skipton/Silsden area hopefully.

    Plan to cruise the summer then, again hopefully moor up for the winter months.


    Anyway thats it for now.

    Hope to meet a few of you on our travels.

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