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Posts posted by smokeyfruitbat

  1. There is a dispute of this kind going on at Norbury at the moment. Someone has moved onto someone elses mooring while they were getting water. The original moorers have been on that particular spot for 9 years. The other guy moors about 200 yds further on has been on his spot for 5 years, and all of a sudden he wants the nearer mooring to the pub. BW have now got involved (Rob Prigg) and has told the guy to vacate the mooring he took off the others in 14 days otherwise he will lose his mooring permit

  2. my sympathies go out to bw wardens. they do have a difficult job trying to keep everyone happy. people that overstay on visitor moorings should be charged extra as they are not giving boaters that stay within the rules a chance to moor at popular places.

  3. I have two houdini hatches on my boat, which as you all probably know attract alot of condensation, and after spells of hot and cold weather tend to leak a little. After years of taking apart and resealing I came up with the idea of having some covers made out of polycarb. These sit over the existing hatch and are held in place by locking pins. The hatches still open and of course still let all the light in. In the winter I put some bubble wrap inbetween the hatch and the cover and have had no condensation this year, and the light is still there.

    Polycarb as I've been informed is a difficult substance to glue. I used a silone type glue at first but it came apart after a week or so, then I tried different glues with the same results.

    Anyway I've found a company that will make them out of 6mm polycarb (with welded joints) cheaper than it was to buy a sheet of the stuff to do myself.

    The company is Plasbrun in Cannock 01543 462802. (I did the locking pins myself.)

    I hope this is of use to someone

  4. We are in the process of a refit and would like to install internal sliding doors. Can anyone advise where we can purchase the sliders from.



    we have full size sliding doors and they work a treat, no noise, no snagging. just rebate two rollers into the bottom of the door (from b & q)

  5. we use elsan blue in our cassette but have noticed how the price is going up, we normally get a few boxes in to keep the cost down. someone mentioned the other day that bw sell their own brand, which is much the same but cheaper, but i cant find any mention of it anywhere.


    can anyone recommend an alternative?

  6. Well if it reduces the number of linear moorings then Hooray!


    And as for causing congestion - three quarters of all narrowboats (linear included) never go anywhere!


    why hooray? whats the problem with going slow? isnt that the idea of boating on the canals? if youre looking for fast speeds try going to sea. maybe this because you cant get a linear mooring so no one else should have one


    admittedly most boats dont go out but isnt that their perogative? if theyre fully paid up then theres no problem. the real problem is "overstayers" and license evaders

  7. are you sure its poo? i cannot believe anyone would want to do that coz surely they would get the smell too. it would make more sense to dump it (as unpleasant as it sounds). but on the other hand there are some dirty beggers about. :lol:

  8. has anyone ever come across a decent rechargable torch who's light doesnt go from dazzlingly bright to the light from a fag end within a minute?

    ive tried many but still go back to my trusty battery operated one (batteries £5 each)

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