I am considering making a summer run from Sharpness down the Bristol Channel into the K&A at Avonmouth to avoid a long back haul back down the Grand Union.
I will probably engage a river pilot for the passage and of course, will carry all the safety gear and charts and publications. I have seagoing navigation experience so am not worried about that side of things.
The pilots notes recommend running on the Ebb tide preferably with a North or NE wind of Force 3 or below.
I plan to carry spare belts, etc for the engine and will clean out the water and sludge from the diesel tank before leaving the G+S canal.
I am also thinking of doing this in a convoy with any other boats that want to go at the time, as there is safety in numbers and we can probably split the pilotage dues.
Are there any readers who have done the trip and can offer practical advice or tips from bad experiences.