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Rethinking the stove



Ok, I'm not the most decisive person in the world but this is getting ridiculous. I'm now looking at a bigger stove mounted more centrally in the boat.




Reasons for this are:


1) more heat from a bigger firebox

2) better distributed heat due to being centrally mounted

3) it's safer cos it's got a bigger flue and is designed with boats in mind

4) Nicer to look at

5) it has an oven!

6) could possibly be linked into the radiators at a later date if ness

7) better long term option cos of all of the above


Of course, it involves more expense. Much more expense in fact. And it involves ripping out a couple of cupboards but fortunately not any re-wiring or re-routing pipework.


The stove is a chilli penguin. It's expensive, but just the right size for the space. It also comes in red:




I've been quoted 700 quid to have it put in, including laying the hearth, attaching chimney and flue and all the materials to do that which I guess are worth about 200 or so. All I have to do is provide the stove, which at 1100 quid isn't cheap. :cheers:


So do I find the 1800 for this or stick with the 500 or so for the little one? Help!


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