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Flue and bits...

casper ghost


I'm getting ready to install the old Queenie stove in the back cabin of Casper. I got 2 45 degree bends, but as is usual they were not right. The male end was too wide to fit the standard female end. One I can use but I needed 2. Luckily my brother phoned to say that a customer of his is throwing away some flue pipe as they are having new central heating. I was given a bend and 2 straight pipes :) .

As the Queenie has a very small outlet for the flue I have had to make an adaptor. I did this ages ago with a damper fitted in it. I've altered it again. The adaptor was made using an old adaptor from a scrapped oil heating system, which saved me alot of work.

I've also cut the hearth for the fire, which is from 4mm steel sheet, this will be fixed down and the stove welded onto it securely.



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