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From K&A Canal Trust website:


Closure of Through Navigation on K & A Canal

Weir Failure 26 November 2006

On Sunday 26 November 2006, the weir at Sulhampstead Mill failed. This resulted in the release of a large pent up volume of water that surged back into the K&A where the river rejoins below Garston Lock, and subsequent flooding from Burghfield Mill down stream to the Thames. This flooding has now subsided.


Closure of Navigation

The failure of the weir has now lowered the water level in the pound between Sulhampstead Lock (100) and Sheffield lock (101), both of which have now been chained shut by BW and, consequently, through navigation from the Kennet & Avon Canal into the Thames is now impossible until such time as Sulhampstead Mill Weir is repaired.

Posted (edited)

The latest news from British Waterways is that they hope to restore navigation by Easter (Easter Sunday is 8th April).

(EDIT: Since I wrote this a revised stoppage notice has been issued comfirming this.)


We already have a scheduled stoppage nearby at Burghfield from 8th Jan to 16th March for repairs to the Burghfield lock so with luck we will be able to reach the Thames from Newbury soon after this is cleared.


I put some pictures on my website last month. This week the water level through Theale swing bridge is only about 9 inches lower than normal, but the current above Theale on the river section between Sulhamstead Lock and Theale is very strong indeed due to the broken weir.



Fingers crossed for April then!

Edited by Guest
  • 3 weeks later...

I have just heard that emergency funding to repair the weir has now been approved by BW, and that, water levels permitting, work should start in the third week of February. It is still apperntly BW's intention to have the canal re-opened by Easter.

  • 1 month later...

BW confirmed last week that this will be cleared by April.


I have just heard that emergency funding to repair the weir has now been approved by BW, and that, water levels permitting, work should start in the third week of February. It is still apperntly BW's intention to have the canal re-opened by Easter.
  • 2 weeks later...

Enquiries of British Waterways this week re Theale Stoppage - work in progress with completion expected Friday 30 March. Fingers crossed....

Jo and Kevin (nb C'est la Vie) Newbury.

Enquiries of British Waterways this week re Theale Stoppage - work in progress with completion expected Friday 30 March. Fingers crossed....

Jo and Kevin (nb C'est la Vie) Newbury.


I just phoned them, and they told me 6th April ... I'd been hoping to go through the previous week :banghead:

I just phoned them, and they told me 6th April ... I'd been hoping to go through the previous week :banghead:



oh no! We are hoping to go through on 7 April, so still have a chance. See you there!



  • 2 weeks later...

From Waterscape.com



Stoppage: Theale

A third party weir has failed and navigation will be closed until repairs can be carried out.


Update (2 April): The navigation will reopen on Thursday 5 April. (Enquiries: 01452 318000)


I was at Sheffield lock this afternoon and the water level rose a foot or so in the couple of hours we were there, repairs to the weir are apparently almost complete, and the lock should re-open tomorrow or the next day.

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