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LoneWolf last won the day on March 12 2016

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  1. Hope you didn't get too drenched today Some work came up so I've not even made it to the locks yet - I'm between the locks and that big bridge that's being worked on. stop for a cuppa on your way past if you fancy, blue boat with stuff on the roof
  2. hey Heff, congratulations (again) We leapfrogged a couple of times over the last couple of days but I only spotted the Just Married when you came past yesterday I was the woman who hollered at you from the boat between the Newbold tunnel and the pub I'll look out for you on your way back - I may have reached Braunston by then
  3. Just thought I'd point out that the 'larger nut' that was the problem is the bleed screw - this may be useful to know when you do the next service yourself Also, I'd say, another clue that the the finger of blame points to the useless RCR
  4. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  5. oh, I'm sure of nothing ever
  6. yes, i was mashing up a hot shoe and a bulb (which is also a photography thing which allows long exposure times) live and learn eh
  7. perhaps the same disadvantage as knowing nothing as I also got 13 I only did the quiz cos I thought a hot bulb was a bit of camera equipment
  8. The funding site is nothing to do with facebook. It was first mentioned on this thread by someone who posted a link to it (before the post you quote). But you didn't bother to read it did you - you decided to make your mean little post based on Tuscan's incorrect post I think we're going to have to disagree here Athy - the information was accessible but Mr de Enfield chose to pick another speculative rumour-mongering post (notice the 'apparently' in Tuscan's post he quotes) to base his ill-informed opining on
  9. Wow! what a mean spirited post; and one based on ignorance as well. If you'd bothered to look at the fundraising page you'd see that it was started to raise money to help out Dave (rather than "repair the boat" as you wrongly guess) and the amount quickly raised is a reflection on how many people know and like Dave. Your comment on him taking advantage of the generosity of others is very wide of the mark as well. Dave is one of the most kind and helpful and generous boaters I know - a few years ago I used to meet him a lot and many times he was helping someone else out. Once he gave me a load of wood just because he had lots and I was getting a bit low and he wouldn't take any money for it But you (and the others making comments in a similar vein) carry on in your ignorant bubble making judgments about people you dont know based on incorrect suppositions - you're only making yourself look ignorant
  10. Good question from the scheme rules: https://www.helptobuy.gov.uk/documents/2015/12/scheme-rules.pdf “Eligible Interest in Land” means a legal interest in land, solely or jointly owned, and situated within the United Kingdom, as described in paragraphs (a) and ( of the definition of Residential Property Owner. “Residential Property Owner” means an individual who owns an interest in land, whether in the United Kingdom or elsewhere, which: (a) is: (i) in England or Wales: (a) freehold; ( leasehold, where the lease was originally granted for a term certain exceeding 21 years; or © commonhold; or (ii) in Scotland, registered or recorded, or would be capable of being registered or recordered, as a right of absolute ownership in the Land Register of Scotland or General Register of Sasines in Scotland, as applicable; or (iii) in Northern Ireland: (a) freehold; or ( leasehold, where the lease was originally granted for a term certain exceeding 21 years; or (iv) an equivalent interest in land to the interests in land listed in paragraphs (a)(i) to (iii) above under the laws of any jurisdiction outside the United Kingdom; and ( comprises a building that is used or suitable for use as a dwelling, or is in the process of being constructed or adapted for such use; and © (i) was acquired by the individual as a purchaser; or (ii) entitles the individual to possession or occupation of that land. Paragraph (a) above of this definition of “Residential Property Owner” shall be deemed to include an individual who has acquired an interest in land situated within the United Kingdom under the terms of a Regulated Home Purchase Plan. So i would say no a mooring would not qualify eta: sorry about all the s - i it took me long enough to format the c&p so i cant be arsed to fix them oh dear
  11. hummm.. there's the rescheduled stoppage for brickworks at Bridges 10&11 on the Llangollen that's supposed to have started today so they may be limited in the amount of extra water they can send through the bypass pipes. Plus there wont be too many boats moving down the lower end to send water down
  12. I'm going to have to disagree as well. The 'Help to Buy ISA' is giving poor deluded young folk a maximum of £3k to help them get themselves all mortgaged up so they trot off to their jobs every day too tired or worried to notice that all this country's funds are being hoovered up by those in power and their corporate and other mates to sum up: a bad thing it's Ms actually but you're welcome
  13. Can't argue with any of that to answer the question the OP asked: No, a boat purchase does not qualify for the '25% bonus' element of the so called Help to Buy ISA - you have to buy a 'eligible interest in land' that is also residential
  14. yes, my boat had this arrangement when i first got it. It was a wedge of wood painted with some very thick paint. Make sure the flue is long enough so the inner skin of the chimney fits into it. Also yes, i have this arrangement now. the chimney is at a slight angle but not so's it causes a problem eta: as you obviously understand the important thing is that the flue is perpendicular to and bang in the middle (looking from above) of the collar so that the inner skin of your chimney fits snug in it
  15. <hands max a mirror>
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