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Everything posted by andy3196

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  2. Advanced Mobile Location is available to the emergency services, as long as the phone used is recent enough to provide it, https://eena.org/aml/ . https://eena.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/2019_07_17_AML_Report_Card_Update.pdf (68 page PDF) says 60% of calls in the UK do provide a location. This will no doubt improve as people replace their phones.
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  6. Kettleshulme is a village which has a stream that flows into Todd Brook above the reservoir. I've just stumbled across this video of damage caused by the rainfall https://youtu.be/LBadbPs6_v0 , also a video at https://www.newsflare.com/video/308209/ross-nursery-in-kettleshulme-near-toddbrook-dam-took-the-brunt-of-the-cloud-burst?a=on The village pub also has some photos of the flooding on its Facebook page https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2688859381188500&id=154838791257251
  7. Do you have any details of these inflow sluices? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toddbrook_Reservoir describes what is a passive arrangement that diverts flow into the reservoir only when the river is high enough. https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/77820 being a photo of the wier (by the same person who took the 2005 photo of the spillway). The wier flowing is shown at the start of the video I linked to earlier in the thread ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXLVRGxsWgc&feature=youtu.be ). It was also reported, https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-derbyshire-49189955 , that the water flowing into the reservoir was being diverted using materials being flown in by the helicopter.
  8. https://www.sciencemediacentre.org/expert-reaction-to-news-that-the-whaley-bridge-dam-has-been-damaged/ may be of interest.
  9. Somebody was asking if there were any pre CRT photos of the spillway. So far I have only been able to find one, from 2005 at https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/77850 . There is also a few seconds of video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXLVRGxsWgc&feature=youtu.be at 55 seconds in, from June 2012. There are also a few recent, April 2019, photos of the spillway HERE .
  10. The pumps are being used to supplement the draw down valves. See the report from "New Civil Engineer" https://www.newcivilengineer.com/latest/whaley-bridge-dam-engineers-reduce-reservoir-target-level-06-08-2019/?eea=SHFEcFNZN2c1RDVaaXBlSHFNUmxGRm0xaFIvYldLajdGWVdEcXlRODh1WT0=&n_hash=63&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTkdZMk1URXpNREV4Tm1WaiIsInQiOiJma3RKclhoT3BqTHhqVU9Ed2c0VmhlQUdsdWZ2WWhRcEo3ODBEdGRVS0cxZTVtNVRKZ3FwVFRYRU03ZU8rUnBVUG5oMTNyRWt1MmhzM1ppa3hKMDhsZTU2eFBwd0ZnbDZ2RHlqenVwTEp2XC9xQVhXcXpCN2VjTkpKSXI4WVRUck0ifQ%3D%3D "We opened the emergency values and sandbagged the top of the weir. Once we had done that and started to get pumps on site, we actually broke the crest of the auxiliary spillway weir to try and increase the flow down that direction. Doing this brought the water down below the primary weir level.”
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  12. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
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  15. I can confirm that Dogs Trust are happy to rehome to boats, they let me have the best dog in the world almost 10 years back. They also have several stories of Doha rehomed to boats on their website, the most recent from a couple of days ago https://www.dogstrust.org.uk/our-centres/shrewsbury/centre-updates/news/it-s-all-paws-on-deck-for-hendricks
  16. There is quite a bit about this incident out there on the internet, found by searching "accident wooler bridge 1908", although some details don't match, e.g. The name of the engine. https://www.labonche.net/2017/09/incident-in-wooler-1908/ http://www.steamscenes.org.uk/archive/wooler-bridge-showmans-engine-accident
  17. Modern view https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/834239 1947 map showing what may be the railway branch line https://maps.nls.uk/view/101601411
  18. This set of pictures http://collections.canalrivertrust.org.uk/bw200.1.33.3 are of Stanton Lock no 65 on the main line of the Erewash. That lock being 65 agrees with this Wikipedia page https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erewash_Canal which identifies lock 72 as Shipley Lock. Looking at my Nicholsons guide, the canal curves to the right above this lock.
  19. is from a previous discussion on VAT. Hope it explains why it is being charged.
  20. https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/notice/12414/tuel-lane-deep-lock-sowerby-bridge-booking-information
  21. About 7 months. https://www.waterways.org.uk/chester/trent_mersey_canal_breach or https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trent_and_Mersey_Canal#2012_breach_at_Dutton_Hollow
  22. Nobody knows what the situation will be after the current funding agreement ends will be. As part of that agreement, there will be a review of ongoing funding in a few years time. The agreement is at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/canal-river-trust-grant-agreement-with-defra and the relevant clause states: " 9.3 Notwithstanding the regular content and cycle of Review Meetings, in the financial year 2021/22 a review will take place to consider whether, and if so, the extent to which there is a case to continue to support by Grant the public benefits (including, but not by way of limitation, provision of land drainage, flood mitigation and other public safety benefits) provided by the waterways under CRT’s stewardship beyond the end of the Grant Period. The 2021/22 Review shall take into account, among other matters, CRT’s performance of its obligations arising under the Grant Agreement. Defra shall issue a report setting out the conclusions of this review with regard to continued support of CRT by Grant beyond the term of this Grant Agreement on or before 1 July 2022. "
  23. You'll find it a lot better next time you're down that way. This years cutting on the Oxford seems to have started at bridge 34 near Brinklow, and by last Saturday they had got to about halfway between 107 and 108. Much better than it was, though there are a couple of places where I did wonder why they hadn't done a little more.
  24. Caframo did commmission some testing of their Ecofan 800, looking at potential fuel savings. The report is at http://www.ecofan.ch/pdf/Studie_Energieeinsparung_Ecofan_komplett.pdf Might be of interest to people, or easy to pick fault with.
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