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Posts posted by Oddjob

  1. So without filling in the form as we no longer have the boat sorry to say. Over 3 years 2 months of boat ownership live aboard we put 4015 hours on a Barrus 40hp boat 57 feet long standard narrow boat width. Gross weight allowed on build data plate 17 long tons ie metric 17000 kg. Lovely way to turn hydro carbon into noise smoke and 2.5 micron soot lol. However not a patch on one of duties as a aircraft maintenance engineer taxi a DC 10 from the hanger to run up bay carry post maintenance ground runs with power assurance runs on each engine around 90% full power for 5 minutes each engine with adjustments in turn say goodbye to around 8 to 9000 kg of Jet A1 fuel. That would keep a narrowboat going for a few years me thinks lol. 

  2. 15 hours ago, Ex Brummie said:

    You probably had to wait for the latest Olympic event to finish as I understand most are working/shirking  from home.🤒

    I have not watched one minute of the woke get together in  the Gay woke welcoming city of Paris. Total waste of my time. Also the people paying for it ie the people of Paris I bet they didn’t get tickets as easy as the free loading Hollywood “A” listers seen seaming around the games. 
    Also on a practical note got the packers in emptying the flat ready to rent out and then paint when renter moves out. Thank goodness for the  room we have in the building to put everything. It’s a servants room but wife won’t have a servant as they give to much kit pit. Here in Goa servants give no end of problems so better off without. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Alan de Enfield said:


    But could 'not really nice people' live there as well ?

    Yes for sure there are some real arse hol** living here. One in our building my wife took the wife to cop shop that shut her up. Wife is European to look at but a real Hindi speaking fire brand when she gets her steam up to max pressure lol. Over all good place to live been here 11 years now but for the 3 years over covid on so called lock down on our boat now sadly gone to a new owner. 

  4. On 07/04/2023 at 15:01, MtB said:


     Yes I was wondering if Athy might misunderstand and take your £40k figure as total build cost!


    But LFP batteries have tumbled in price the last couple of years surely? 



    I got some lithium for a fit out of a 4x4 off road camping trip just finished the trip in Australia. Good trip but for the mozy bite that gave me “ross river virus” just waiting for WHO to came up with a vaccine for it lol. I got 120 amp batteries hr for £1.80 per amp £216 I got two and ran it as one 240 amp hr. They also do 200 & 300 amp hr but they cost more like £2.63 per amp. 

    Miss the boat life but out back camping comes close. Now back home in Goa (wife India born) monsoon rains like 2 meters in 6 weeks so alls good for us. 

    regards to all on the cut



    • Greenie 2
  5. We sold our boat in may 22 within 6 weeks the covid situation was still in play ie uk staycations. Mind you couple who brought it sold it for a lot less ( asking price 6k below sold by us price). We only sold as I had stomach surgery for the 2nd time within 5 years so we decided to return to our main home in Goa India. Wifey born here half Irish half German so allowed to live no visa required etc, heady mix I know but 32 year’s together I am used to it. lol. 
    We both miss the boat life cc’ing wife misses the long walks on the tow path with the dog. Walking here is a nightmare what with limited exercise and home cooked Indian food waste line is on the increase. 
    Swimming in the compound pool even with the rain ( monsoon season 1000 mm in 6 weeks and that is below normal lol) is all we can do daily. 


    • Greenie 1
  6. On 24/06/2024 at 22:55, LadyG said:

    It's not the same, there is a Highway Code.

    I used to exercise racehorses, and we warned a guy in a car several times to slow down as he was just proceding without due care on the narrow country road.. He wound his window down to hand out some abuse and one of the horses kicked right at window height. He slowed down the next day!

    And I quote when walking my dogs on a foot path “ get your dogs under control or I will ride them down” they never bothered with horse they just walked past minding their own. My reply to her was she would get the first invite to a horse BBQ! Another time a rider galloped past me and the dogs with regard to my safety or my dogs, so sorry I don’t give a shit for them. Most riders are rich females who feel the have a RIGHT to do as they like on path ways and demand respect from motorists when on the road. This is now to me a closed subject being as I am retired living in Goa India and the rules of the road are “there are no rules”lol. 

  7. On 22/06/2024 at 22:11, Graham and Jo said:

    We were cruising just north of the Rugby arm today and in the distance I could see two paddle boarders heading towards us. It is a bit overgrown on the off side so I was just off centre to the right. I slowed to limit wash. As we approach the lead paddle boarder started to shout abuse at us. He was claiming he had right of way. Quite what he expected me to do differently I have no idea. We passed safely. 


    It was very unpleasant.


    Cheers Graham 

    Sounds like the same situation as push bikes and horses on the road, pay nothing, but the road belongs to them and them alone. 

  8. On 23/02/2024 at 15:06, Pluto said:

    If it was about improving the rail infrastructure they would have built a new goods-only line from Harwich to the Midlands initially, with extensions to Liverpool, Southampton, and even that corruption centre of the NE, Teesport. The line would be similar to the one built between Rotterdam and the Ruhr, so high speed for freight, but nothing like HS standards, and thus much cheaper. The initial phase would cut across an area of low population, through fairly level ground, and relieve the congestion at Harwich, particularly noticeable during Covid. It would prove of benefit to the whole country, with the existing passenger network continuing to serve smaller towns which will be bypassed by HS2. HS2 is for the suits who want to rush around appearing to do something useful, while the general population will not be able to afford tickets if they are priced to pay for the infrastructure.

    Build a freight line from channel tunnel up the centre of uk with branches to major cities depots every 50 miles for on off onto local lorry’s or canal boats lol. 

    As we sold the boat and returned home to India (wife half Irish half German but born here heady mix I know) anyway Iam going to send the locals to help with HS2 these guys dug up a round about and built a 35 foot tall plinth for a statue in just 2 weeks. Takes years to fill in a pot hole but a statue wow only weeks. Miss the boat life but off to Oz doing a15000 mile off road camping trip leaving in a few days time looking fed to it. 

  9. On 30/01/2024 at 04:18, MtB said:

    Moving only once every 14 days is an incredibly generous interpretation of the law IMO. 


    I think CRT could easily change it to every day and argue that's what the law requires, with only the occasional 14 day stops (say 4 per year.)





    As a cc’er for 3 years before being forced to sell for health reason we moved every day except when in a marina for work on the boat. 
    I think the 14 day requirement is to long except for over winter when maintenance stoppage stops one moving. 
    As a side note now back to full health and doing a 15000 to 20000 mile off road camping trip round Australia should take about 6 months. Off grid in the outback of oz instead of the outback of the Leeds and Liverpool lol

    • Greenie 3
  10. On 15/12/2023 at 16:05, IanD said:

    Since I know this is close to many boaters hearts, I thought I'd bring some of the latest research to people's attention. Though I suspect many won't want to know, either because it's in the Grauniad, or they just don't want to be told about PM2.5 pollution and its effects on health from those wokerati experts, especially in that there Lunnon hellhole... 😉






    "Summary of outdoor air pollution findings
    The study finds that the contribution to PM2.5 concentrations across the Greater London region from
    the burning of wood and coal and oil:
    • Reduces life expectancy at birth for all persons of around 3 weeks (assuming individuals are
    exposed to air pollutant concentrations over their lifetime)
    • Is associated with an effect on mortality equivalent to 284 deaths each year, at typical ages of
    death in 2019 in the UK (implying an average loss of life of around 11 years per death)"


    It's worth noting that some of the worst health effects are on the stove owners/users, not all those non-boaters outside who obviously don't matter... 😞



    The fact it’s in the Guardian rag means I pay no attention to it. lol. Getting back to heating a boat it’s wood, coal or diesel none of which to your avg Guardian reader is good so there can’t be many Guardian readers living as CC me thinks. 
    Sad to have sold the boat wife and myself miss it, however living in Goa India we add to global warming by having the air con every night lol. What ever humans do it’s bad for someone somewhere so get over it stoke up the fire and have a beer and a burger for us. O that’s right raising beef increases methane because of cow farts a global warming gas. lol. 
    Canals will be closed and filled in soon because of methane gas form the greenery rotting on the bottom of the cut. (Poke the bottom and see the bubbles come up)

    Relax people take a chill pill and continue living your life and enjoy the cut we wish we still were. 

  11. On 25/09/2023 at 21:36, Cheshire cat said:

    You are both referencing the same basin. You can moor on the topath side just before the basin. I've seen quite a few boats moor there over the last few years.


    I'm impressed that anyone would tackle the Rochdale 9 singlehanded. They are notoriously difficult. Heavy with water coming over the gates. Access is poor on some of them too.

    I’ve done it singlehanded no issue but some drop out moored on the lock landing which forced me to leave top gate open which as O I found it. Had to throw a hook on a rope over it to pull it closed. Boater causing the issue was so bombed out of his mind and his boat was a public health hazard I let it go and kept on my merry way. Miss the boat but enjoying the life back in Goa India which is home for last 10 years. 

    • Love 1
  12. On 12/07/2020 at 14:15, harleyj said:

    We are currently unable to leave our country apart from special circumstances and I am putting together a submission for us to be able to get to our boat. We have not heard of any liveaboards contracting the virus but wanted to let our government know some loose figures.

    We spent all of lock down cc img no covid. Returned to our home in Goa India our permanent home after selling the boat still miss it within 1 month wife got it then

    gave it to me lol. Boat best place away from the crowds shopping on line no issues at all. 

  13. On 13/11/2023 at 21:53, magnetman said:

    I didn't know there was a 'programme' last night as have no telly or 'feeds' but the Captain Tom story was different to a normal charity. 


    Obviously one expects some charity scumminess it is normal but when terrible arseholes like this hijack something like the covids, which did cause a lot of people significant problems, for their own financial gain they need to be taken out and shot.


    The old git may have been alright but the family, who are not poverty stricken, took advantage when their education should have indicated  otherwise. If course there is nothing new under the sun with these types and they squeal if found out but no it is not acceptable. 


    They are Bad News. Nobody wants this sort of scum around. 







    People were having a really shit time during the covids and looking for some positives then some arseholes build a swimming pool in their garden using money handed to them during a time of crisis. 


    Its nasty. 


    I never well almost never give to main stream charities because they cream off so much in expenses. We have returned to our home in Goa India having sold the boat still miss it. We do charity by buying 100 veg patties in a small bread roll total cost 20 pence each drive round the local area and give out to the daily wage workers on the road side. Nothing better than seeing the food going into the hand then the mouth with no middle men creaming off their cut. 
    We were CC full time for the 3.5 years we had the boat and so enjoyed it winter summer and what ever the uk weather Gods sent us. Next adventure off road camping in Australia for 4 to 6 months. See canning stock route on YouTube for a taste of what we are doing. 
    All the best to all boaters 


    Ken & Denise

    • Greenie 1
  14. On 10/10/2023 at 19:10, blackrose said:

    I remember coming off the Thames onto the Kennet at Reading 10 years ago after a lot of rain and I honestly thought something had wrapped itself around the prop because of the sudden loss of power. I actually got a centre rope around that black steel fence on the left so I could go down and check but found nothing and realised it was just the increased current that was sapping the power.


    And Woolhampton lock - that's got to be one of the hardest to get into without hitting anything coming upstream when the river is really flowing.

    Offset into the flow ie about 30 deg to the left when going up stream lots of power let the flow push you back in line by then your about 2/3 past the major part of the flow and just about online to enter the lock. That worked for me when I went through. But my God don’t moor between the bridge and the lock you must go through bridge and enter lock in one go. 

  15. Stayed in this location in summer 2021 and spotted this guy who I seen on a YouTube video from 2016 I think and here he was still there. The collection of sh*t tip boats taking up a nice mooring spot tee’d me off. Council had a skip there full of rubbish generated by these boats. We stayed in the area a few days waiting for a brush pack for our alternator then we went down to Bristol and round to sharpness on the lumpy water. 
    There many other boats that need “taking out the water “ London being a place they need to get a grip on with CM’s taking up all the space. 
    Rant over as boat sold now sorry to say next adventure is 6 months off road camping round outback Australia then it’s saga cruises from then on lol

    • Greenie 1
  16. On 01/09/2023 at 07:43, Tonka said:

    My wife was born in Addiscombe and my 2 daughters were born in Mayday. We got out of there in 2007 so I know what you are not saying

    I was born in New Addington at #15 xxx moved to #19 xxx when 4 and left when 21 never to rtn but to visit parents. 

  17. On 20/08/2023 at 23:38, MtB said:


    Amazing! Are they delivered in a Tesla, too?




    When I was a 11year old back in the 60’s I did a milk round on weekends on Sunday that was 1200 pints the milkman his son or daughter and me. My pay was 2 shillings a day 10 pence in todays money lol milkman today I bet doesn’t do 1200 pints in a week

  18. 12 hours ago, Tonka said:

    Well you probably deserved that just for being in Croydon


    12 hours ago, Tonka said:

    Well you probably deserved that just for being in Croydon

    Croydon was ok back then now it’s the knife capital of London. Not going into reasons as to why that is so because I will get cancelled lol. 

  19. On 23/08/2023 at 16:59, Tonka said:

    Probably not after one of them was murdered the other year

    Murderer got 37 years for that I was a prosecution witness in the case, last time in court was as a 21 year old in 1973 racing my Triumph Trident round Croydon lol 6 month ban  and £160 fine. 

  20. On 25/02/2023 at 19:39, david909 said:

    So I bought a canal boat. A 60foot, 1994, trad' narrow boat. 
    I'd not bought a boat before.
    The brochure gave the appearance that the boat was in great shape. The survey I had done revealed a somewhat grittier picture, but I'd fallen in love and, on the strength of advice from the boat broker that the work that needed doing would cost me around £13-16k, I negotiated a stiff price reduction and went ahead with the purchase.
    There was some serious mis-selling involved, which I will be looking to take action over. 
    I took the boat to a nearby boatyard and was given a series of very reasonable figures for the various bits of work that needed doing that were beyond my skillset.
    However, things have become nightmarish. They've already had £18,000 off me (because the hull needed completely replating instead of patching and apparently the steel cost £17k.) Everything they look at costs way more than originally stated or wasn't mentioned but "needs doing". New engine mounts. New propellor. I was told that a gasket set would cost a few hundred quid. That's now changed to £1800. I asked for a complete engine service and was told £380. THat's changed to "thousands if we go ahead with it, or put it back unserviced and take your chances". I'm looking at a final bill of around £30k+ for what amounts to hull replated with a single sheet of steel, and blacked, new anodes, engine mounts, a new propellor, the engine removed, cleaned, oil sump gasket replaced and engine replaced, a hatch into the diesel tank because "there's no other way of cleaning it out", and water tank cleaned and painted, and that's it. This makes the final cost of the boat north of £60k and the toilet still doesn't work and the inverter also doesn't work, despite both showing up as working in the survey I had done.
    I'm on the verge of nervous collapse, if not actual bankruptcy over this.
    Do these costs seem unusually high to anyone? (They do to me.) (This is not in London, or anywhere near London.)
    I told them there was a strict budget involved but that has been ignored. I stand to lose somewhere around £50k on this as it stands.
    I have no idea what to do or where to turn.

    I had the engine removed due bad oil leak and poor access mounts replaced, leak fixed, new drive plate while engine out. Total bull £1300 inc parts labour and of course vat. While engine out I cleaned out bilge and 2 pack painted complete area paint supply in the £1300. The boat was 2003 I got her in April 2019 with 1995 hrs on engine sold 3 years later for same price and with 6010 hrs  on the engine. 
    problem is there are sharks out there seeing your situation you are nothing more than a cash cow to keep bleeding dry. Our boat I did not do a survey as survey was there from 1 year before I went round checking what he had flagged up. Still the cheap sods Who I got her from still had me over over some minor issues. However Karma got them with the boat they brought within 2 weeks of me buying their old one was condemned by the surveyor as the gas locker completely rusted out survey before buying not after I thinks. couldn’t stop laughing for a week 

    By the way complete engine service £ 400 tops plus gaskets as required not a complete set, if they charge for a set take from the left over gaskets as head gasket is very expensive if brought on its own so take back the left overs you paid for it it’s yours not theirs. 
    hope it comes good for you


    best regards Ken

  21. On 23/07/2023 at 15:41, Tony Brooks said:


    In that case, phone the CaRT regional office and explain, I am about 98% sure they will accomodate you.

    I had just this issue in market Harbrough called up the local licensing officer told him I had just come out of major surgery he said fine no issue stay as long as needed. Also he said I see my your movement record on the system you are a cc’er that moves most days so not taking the Mickey stay as long as you need. 

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