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Everything posted by TheBiscuits

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  5. Ah, but does it suit you? 🤣
  6. I'm Telemachus and so's my wife! Oh sorry, mixin-me-quotsies ...
  7. As hobbies go it's better than some but worse than others.
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  11. Get @LadyG to tow you there - it's probably her turn 😁
  12. Technically yes, practically no. Who will actually check unless/until it's up for sale? The same argument can be made for the BSS, which technically should always be complied with, but if that was really the case people would never ever fail one ...
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  14. Get over yourself. Soon. Ian isn't "taking over every electric boat thread", he's contributing to them from a position of recent first hand experience. Having spent a great deal of time and money to get what he wanted from his boat he is obviously best qualified to comment on his decisions. I'm fairly sure he's also getting sick and tired of having to keep typing disclaimers like "... which suits me so I did it this way, it wouldn't suit everyone ..." He's also commented that some of his ideas were deemed either foolish or impractical by the boatbuilder, so didn't make the finished boat. That tends to suggest that the ones that did make the cut were not deemed foolish or impractical by one of the best regarded boatbuilders still in business.
  15. @Alan de Enfield once pointed out that PlusGas is 99.9% kerosene / paraffin according to it's data sheet.
  16. I don't have much of an opinion either way on the BBC. Nor do I have a TV licence. About ten years ago we realised that despite having a licence the only live broadcasts (on any channels at all) we'd actually watched in the previous two years were Eurovision and Last Night of the Proms, and we could live without either!
  17. There's a well known saying regarding new tricks and old dogs ...
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  19. Ah well, if we want to play this game ... Cherry Tree Cricket Club just off bridge 94 on the L&L (I feel obliged to declare a commercial interest in Red Rose Brewery ... Beer done good, produced by boaters, available in pubs and bars usually quite close to canals in the North West)
  20. Ah, but then what would the 2028 consultation cover if they had just gone there to start with? Area and age, that's the ticket. Heavy discounts for scruffy boats with mounds of crap on top (so cheaper for me, obviously 😁)
  21. Big wall round the M25 sort of thing? 🤣
  22. Is it the current version or an older one? 😉
  23. There used to be a chap on the upper Peak Forest who would helpfully take away dead batteries, and only charged a modest cost of a fiver for each one he took away. I thought this was a genius plan, but MrsBiscuit won't let me do the same on our boat.
  24. It was training - at least in part because it got pushed back up the chain from one of the "Wigan Three" ...
  25. The Rochdale length limit is 72' ...
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