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haggis last won the day on October 21 2017

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About haggis

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  • Gender
  • Boat Name
    Kelpie and Gamebird
  • Boat Location
    Englandshire and the Union Canal

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  1. By putting protective boards along side their boat is, I gather, the usual method of protecting GRP boats in frosty weather.
  2. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  3. True ! Perhaps at some time when we get a spell of good weather ( I am sure this used to happen !) you could pop down the lift for a day or so just to add it to your list of accomplishments 😄
  4. To get to Northwich dry dock involves a short river trip from the anderton lift . The weaver, when not in flood, is just like a wide canal with very little flow. Just think, it would give you an opportunity to use the anderton lift ( twice ) an experience not to be missed. Get your big pants on and give it a go and I am sure you will enjoy it. I may be a bit biased but the weaver is my all time favourite . It is so beautiful.
  5. That's worrying and it looks like there might be lots of wriggle room for Peel.
  6. I am not sure but I think the way to contact the mods is to click on the three wee dots top right of your post and under "report" ask the mods to pass on a message.
  7. has there been any progress in finding this boat ?
  8. I don't know where you are but Northwich drydock on the weaver can black the bottom plate with whatever you want
  9. I think the price rises if you want to go through the locks between Marsh lock on the Weaver and pomona lock in Manchester . We did the trip in 2002 and it was not too expensive as it was organised by the IWA. Can't remember how many boats took part but the huge locks were almost full. We had to get a survey and extra long ropes !
  10. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  11. Good news and thanks for the update, Liam.
  12. I agree that if you sign something without reading it, you have only yourself to blame . It differs a bit from cars which you can sell to anyone and look for the best price. With static caravans you can only sell through the site owner and he dictates the price.
  13. Yes, my parents should have read what they were signing but i think most of us sometimes sign without reading fully
  14. Over 40 years ago my parents had a caravan on a site which had the same rules. Could only be sold through the site owners and the price was peanuts. They only allowed vans under a certain age so they had you over a barrel.. I assumed this practice had stopped but apparently not.
  15. Of course it is !
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