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Status Updates posted by haza

  1. hi dave thanks for that .do you have sparkys number .then please regards

    1. haza


      hi dave any joy with sparkys number please

    2. dave moore

      dave moore

      Sorry to be slow, only just seen this.

      07809 643909


    3. haza


      thanks dave

  2. haza

    hi there are you still wanting the brass helmet coal bucket if so get back to me   regards 

  3. hi pete yes plenty i am on the essinton canal ..not far from streethay marina get back to me with what you think you will need and location regards

    1. pete23


      Cheers, I will get back to you at the weekend if you have any left then

      thanks, Pete.

  4. hi pete yes i am doing this on behalf of my brother hes the fella whos  selling them get back to me with how many you may want and where abt you are i am on the essington canal ..not far from streethay marina regards

  5. hi there i am on the essington canal  not far from  streethay marina but if you want any im sure we could sort some thing out ,,,theres another fella wanting some also and i think he may come from your way get back to me ,,regards 

  6. haza

    hi athy could you please remove all trace of my stuff for sale please ...thanks

    1. Athy



         Thank you for your message. It sounds as if you have sold everything, which I'm pleased to hear. It's quite late now and I'm about to turn in but I'll see to it tomorrow.

      Best wishes,


    2. haza


      no i have not sold any thing not to any one on canalworld i am just so sick of the snide remarks thanks for your time on this .just leave them there to take them down would be like a victory to them regards 

  7. hi what a nasty thing to say i owe you £50 if i had known the the cost off putting right i would never had brought the thing how would you like it back and i have a refund 

    1. Markinaboat


      there was nothing wrong with it and you know it! Almost new, pinhole!??


      I now think your one of life's chancers, you should have been a double glazing salesmen, would've made a fortune.


      As you can guess, I'm very upset at your voicemail, text and attitude. I'm saddened as I really thought you were one of the rare breed of 100% genuine people. That upsets more than anything else. Yes I'm over-sensitive but the fact that my daughter was stabbed 22 times doesn't help, just makes me wary of people generally and when I trust AND respect someone who then verbally attacks me when I've been nothing than genuine and honest (and a soft touch), then it hurts.


      In spite of all of that, I wish you well and good health.

    2. haza


      sorry for your loss i truely am ...almost new .theres a pin hole in the pot but i dont expect you to do anything abt that thats my problem .as for one of lifes chancers lol a chancer that travels all that way and buys some thing in good faith ..its you who is the chancer i think .maybe i should have put it on canal world that the fire needs a refurb and was not fit for purpose but hey thats my problem certainly not yours it was brought as seen .you even said your self youhad never seen it working .i wonder why it was taken oput in the first place ..wanting a coal fire instead dont wear really maybe it was becuse of the pinhole ..the pot needs to be drilled out and replaced ..why not ask the person you brought it off maybe they will tell you .but hey you think what you want ...i wish i had said something now ..but thats not my style ...unlike your style.and like you i wish you good .lifes a bitch it truely is  goodbye no need to reply ,,in less you want to put some snide on that site feel free 

  8. haza

    hi there i am near near longwood boat club .maybe it could be boxed up and posted or if you are not a million miles away could meet up regards 

  9. hi tawny do you still have alde .i think i could make use of it as i have that in my boat .would be good for spares   regards 

  10. hi ian your text abt roses and castles .sorry but there was no comment there lol 

    1. ian west

      ian west

      Hi - that’s because I didn’t make one! I just hit the love button because they look so nice - I have a few items myself but not one as big as this.  

  11. hi col do you have any more varnish left regaerds

  12. haza

    hi jon seen your add for the cooker , do you ever get down to the west midlands as i am interested regards ,lorraine

    1. Jon57


      Hi. Might be in Stafford next week if that's near you. 

    2. haza


      thats not to far jon could you you give me a call on 07981059255 thanks

    3. haza


      or text and i will call you .many thanks 

  13. hi alan hope you are well. and thanks for that an yes if you got is phone number we could have a cht abt it many thanks regrds lorraine

  14. hi jd if you would like an hand with the 21 and i am free i could give you an hand with them ..i am on the essington canal .and only 20mins from the 21 ..i done the four weeks ago and it took me 3 half hours ..regards haza

  15. haza

    hi reg hope you are well do you still have the aldi 2928 spares for sale regards lorraine 

    1. reg


      Sorry gave them away same week, needed the space. Sorry about that.

      That time of year when i might regret it.

    2. haza


      yer i now what you mean ..do you know abt these things reg ,,the little motor that makes the impeler turn as gone i think as it wont go round to circulate the water 

    3. reg


      I think thats a common problem needs a new motor afraid not cheap.

      Some details here to check if its the right one


      prices and spares here (Having a bet you say Ouch or similar)


      Or try Graham Cutmore, very good man


      Does nationwide servicing and spares

      Just a thought might be worth asking on the forum some one may come up with a dodge to get things working again

  16. haza

    Hi mike  at the top of the 21 go on for abt 500 yards on the left go into the CRT place you will  get water there ,I had to contact you this way as it still won't let me answer to topic ,,it's doing my head in ,where you heading I'm up the 21next week some time.  Could have had a Cupar 

    1. MtB


      Hi Haz, I'm in brum centre now, not sure for how long. its complicated! Will PM you :) 

  17. haza

    Hi rich also when I want to sign out most of the time it won't let me .thanks 

    1. rmo


      Please email us at support@canalworld.net for support or post in the designated Technical & Account support forum.

      Thank you

  18. haza

    Hi rich hope alls well with you ,could you help me out with this ,,why is it I can not reply to topics ,even the ones I have started thanks 

    1. rmo


      It worked fine for me when testing via your account. As I cannot replicate the issue, I will need more info such as:

      - Have you cleared your browser cache?
      - Which browser are you using?
      - Which operating system are you using or are you using a phone/tablet, if so, what?
      - What happens/what do you see when you try to submit a reply? (any error messages?)
      - Does it happen in all forums or just specific ones?
      - Does the problem still occur when using an alternative theme? (select from "Theme" link at the bottom of the page)

      You may email support@canalworld.net

    2. haza


      Hi. Rich thanks  for trying to help me ,1 don't nknow browser cache is 2 I use google browser 3 use a tablet 4 before when I pressed on reply to this topic it like  highlighted up .now  when I do it does nothing ,5 no it don't seem to ..only the topics I have started it seems 6 this happens with theme link also ...rich I am not to savvy with anything techno so it maybe something my end but thanks for looking into this kind regards 

  19. Sorry mike about the headline .at least I got op in the right category .i hope ,but I'm sure I will be told if its not lol

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