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Scholar Gypsy

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Everything posted by Scholar Gypsy

  1. Here's my (rear) tunnel light in action, a small headlight on a pole. No flash used in this photograph. As @magnetman described above, I turn the light to point to the right when passing another boat (or to have a look down the side adits in Blisworth tunnel).
  2. Yes, I do have that too. But it is very low power (be seen rather than to see).
  3. I'd agree on tunnel lights - interior lights and a light at the stern that illuminates the roof are very helpful. You don't need a bright searchlight as you know what is 100m or 1000m ahead of you, tunnels are pretty straight things (unlike winding country roads).
  4. The Middle Level is certainly navigable (well it will be in April, after a stoppage), and connects the Great Ouse at Denver/Salters Lode to the Nene at Peterborough. I would recommend the Imrays guides, and this website gives quite a lot of information for people visiting the Great Ouse system. I moor my boat at Ely, happy to answer any questions. PS If you can, explore the Middle level system, there is a lot that is off the main transit route. https://goba.org.uk/a-guide-for-visitors-to-the-east/
  5. That's certainly the case on Well Creek. I can't find any formal reference to this in the new Byelaws. The prohibition on navigating on Sunday afternoons also seems to have disappeared ....
  6. I do like the wonky electricity poles. Sadly the most extreme example (a few miles to the north) were replaced a year or two ago.
  7. OK here's a photo of some frozen water - Ouse Washes, Upware near Ely (where I keep my boat - it had all thawed yesterday). You can just see some EA moorings on extreme right in the distance
  8. Indeed so! When I did Denver to Boston the key timings were HW Kings Lynn 1030 BST Depart Denver 1040 (about 60 minutes before local high water) Kings Lynn bypass bridge 1240 End of Kings Lynn cut 1345 (buoys 27 and 28) Enter Freeman channel 1720 Tabs Head 1910 Boston Grand sluice 2030 Lock opens 2130 So you would be looking for high tides at Kings Lynn between 0700 and 1000, I reckon. The other option available now, with permission from the lock keeper, is to lock out at Denver the previous afternoon, and then spend the night on the nice new pontoon between Denver and Salters. I have a better photo somewhere, but this will do. That would open up any high tide before 1000, though that might mean an early start for Daryl and/or cruising in the dark .... As promised, a photo taken standing on the said pontoon, looking downriver. Unlike the previous one, I think this floats at all states of the tide.
  9. When I suggested to the crew that we drag the boat up the rollers, there was a small mutiny. (Cambridge, sadly there are low bridges that would stop you getting to Granchester...)
  10. Yes indeed, you can see the mechanism that adjusts spread and rotation here. The adjustable length trailer was rather fun as well. Put the brakes on on the trailer wheels, and then drive the tractor forwards to stretch the trailer..
  11. When I had my boat lifted out onto a truck this year I asked the yard when they last dropped a boat. After giving me a funny look, they said they got through several sets of straps a year. (Westview, Earith)
  12. Correct: https://www.eastriding.gov.uk/environment/sustainable-environment/rivers-canals-and-waterways/about-local-waterways/beverley-beck/
  13. Hull City Council within the city boundary. But surely this wall is owned by the landowner, so not the responsibility of the navigation authority.
  14. Thank you. We did think about mooring there for a bit ... I think traffic has reduced since I was there in 2021 https://scholargypsy.org.uk/2021/06/17/rivers-trent-humber-and-hull-2-old-harbour-to-beverley-beck/
  15. I make a brief cameo appearance in episode 15, which includes a boat going on of St Pancras Cruising Club's tideway cruises! They are in the middle of making a second series.
  16. I think the problem is not that ...
  17. Yes, possibly. My son is currently living in the smaller white block on the right, and would be keen to have more boats (I think!). There is some anti social behaviour on the slipway at present, people park their cars on the foreshore at low tide ....
  18. It's a bit odd. I think the same boat (floating) is in this photo (taken in June), but in a slightly different place. I know the church are trying to organise some better moorings here. The legalities of all that (and PLA licencing) are quite complex.
  19. I came across this boat when walking along the Thames at Battersea at low tide on Christmas Day. There was a good stream of water coming out through a hole at the bottom of the boat. I suppose it fills up (slowly!) when the boat is floating and then empties when the boat sits on the bottom. I couldn't hear any bilge pumps, and the boat did look a bit unoccupied! You can also see a hefty leeboard sitting on the bed of the river, if anyone wants one. ...
  20. Sadly no connection with Voces8. This is my favourite lockdown video... https://youtu.be/ZEEaCUR44Fo?si=k8ve9Ygz13uDgioU
  21. The girl's choir at Ely is, I think, currently better than the boys (I attend fairly regularly, as the boat is moored in Ely). https://www.elycathedral.org/music/the-cathedral-choir/cathedral-choir I conduct the carol service at our church in London, a short step from Ladbroke Grove or Little Venice, but would not particularly recommend this .... We did attempt this piece this year, which went quite well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KLRwDUQGvg I am currently singing in the choir at St Mary Magdalene in Richmond. We had a packed carol service on the 22nd. Mooring is a bit tricky as it is on the tideway, but you could walk from Teddington. https://richmondteamministry.org/st-mary-magdalene/st-mary-magdalene-the-choir-at-st-marys/
  22. St Pancras Cruising Club are organising another of their regular Thames tideway trips on the weekend of 27-29 June 2025 (starting with a briefing session at Limehouse on the Friday evening). As well as the core voyage from Limehouse to Teddington, the optional extras will include a voyage through the Thames barrier, and an early morning downstream transit from Teddington to Limehouse. We particularly welcome those who have not yet done a trip on the tideway. To register your interest please email tideway25@stpancrascc.co.uk , and we will send you further details. Applications close 28 February.
  23. Although interestingly you have been able to reply to the PM I sent to you. Maybe a different rule for that situation ?!
  24. If you want to join the Fund Britains Waterways cruise from Boston to Wisbech you need to contact Andrew Phasey, I will send you his email address in a PM. If you want to get alerts when this thread changes (eg a new post) then you need to subscribe to alerts - look at the Follow/Following widget at the top of the page. If you want to organise your own crossing then contact Daryl Hill. I will send you his email address as well. He will do what he can to join you up with other skippers so you can share the cost (I think the maximum he normally takes is three boats - your insurers may have a view on this too).
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