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Everything posted by jenlyn

  1. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  2. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  3. Denise Yelland (head of enforcement) made a public statement in 2014. She suggested they had no problems with people overstaying on visitor moorings. The last waterways minister made it clear to CRT that a change in legislation was not an option.
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  5. But that's not what ccing is about. Some of you find it difficult to grasp what ccing is to most people. Hence the rather wayward thoughts.
  6. Although there were some shouting that "fact". It was not the sole reason for rejecting the maps at the time, ( I know because I attended the meetings). Much of the fear at the time, was on how it would affect home moorers.
  7. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  8. No matter how many times you explain, there are a few on here who will not "get it". The simple fact is, they don't want to. (Mtb is just attempting to rattle you, I would suggest hitting the ignore button). Pathetic isn't it.
  9. So it seems their "finest hour" has passed. They retreat to the depths of the interweb, having fought bravely over profile names, interpretations of interpretations, and the relevance of consent. They stand alone, spent, exhausted of reason. Finally a lone voice shouts from the depths "help us CRT", but nobody comes.
  10. Of course Mike. Hopefully this will work both ways.
  11. Yes, I noticed that as well, and almost sent a report in having seen the thread locked. It did at the time look a little suspicious. There is a lack of consistency with recent moderating in my view.
  12. The ones I have been shown are court orders.
  13. Your posts (and content within them) are often very predictable. Such is life.
  14. A very worrying one, with possible damage for either side. Some of you may well choose to miss the point, and even scoff at it, but this is getting silly. Recent events have seen some pretty rubbish decisions from CRT, and doing an impression of an ostrich ain't gonna fix anything.
  15. CRT have screwed up on this, and I suspect owing to the issue becoming public, there will be repercussions that will not do CRT any favours. It's a complete and utter shambles.
  16. You have obviously never been to any of their meetings. They in fact encourage people to move, and yes, I do expect you to state you would never attend one, which makes your statement even more comical.(Your imagination often let's you down).
  17. It says or means little in reality. However, I do see how it would fit your personal agenda, which is of course miles away from the actual point of this thread.
  18. So have you, and you've also had a few goes at putting up alternative accounts.
  19. Not quite true. (a bit of scaremongering on your part I think). The council's have been aware of, and looking into the liveaboard leisure moorings since 2011. That's when I first came across the issue. Some council's have looked a little harder than others of course, but the general opinion is the cost structure would far outweigh the amount collected Most of the council's I have spoken to, are only interested if the boat owner "hands it to them on a plate", offers up. For instance, through a benefit claim etc. They don't seem overly keen to get too entrenched with the mechanics of it all.
  20. Greenie for your last sentence in the post.
  21. Not so interested that I fancy spending the next few hours trawling through the forum search results for a needle in a haystack. Which will probably just turn up someone reporting a conversation they had. Likewise. As for the "conversation they had" remark, I have learned to expect that sort of reply from some on here. Makes no difference to me anymore, but I suggest you get some facts in future before posting your assumptions that in the main are just that, assumption.
  22. Ask CRT. I'm only repeating what Crt said after the silent film on the K&A. Comments were made about boats seen moored in the film, and CRT sought to clarify.
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