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I think you are missing the point of continuous cruising by which I mean travelling on the waterways generally in one direction to enjoy them, not up, down or around the same local stretch to suit a work commitment. The C&RT use the term engage in bona fide navigation. Your intended actions and similar ones of others put the C&RT in the difficult situation of having to stipulate travelling distances by way of rules when common sense and/or your own conscience would tell you whether you were truly CC'ing or not. Its tantamount to teaching a mature adult how to use a pedestrian crossing. Having set the rules they then have to police them at great expense to themselves and ultimately all of us as licence payers. If you regularly need to get to the same workplace you need to pay for a permitted home mooring or locate in a marina.5 points
You're still not making it clear what heinous crime you think Andy Wingfield committed to justify C&RT forking out in excess of £38,000 in legal costs in 2014 and an as yet undisclosed sum this year, estimated to be at least around half that figure, so in total, say, £60,000, or more, just for the satisfaction of obtaining an Injunction that temporarily excludes AW's boat, but not AW, from C&RT waters. Taking legal action against inanimate objects, such as boats, is, to say the least, a somewhat strange and rather pointless thing to do, but it would seem that both you, and some equally irrational people at C&RT, have derived considerable satisfaction and pleasure from it.2 points
Sure, those are easy to measure accurately. The Smartgauge doesn't measure current. It's voltage is not particularly accurate but so what? You haven't mentioned the BMV's accuracy for SoC which is surely the primary measurement we get these gauges for? That is because it doesn't have one, and can't do because it would be cumulative and thus have no bounds, and there is no reference to compare it with. If you want to know only voltage and current accurately, don't get a Smartgauge. But if you want to know actual SoC accurately, the Smartgauge is far and away the best option.2 points
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Mick My teaching role doesn't involve spelling and being half asleep and dislexic I wasn't really focusing on that. I am looking into cc because I do like the idea of roaming and thought since I was already commited to traveling 13+ miles each way to and from my job that I could balance both. However I must be realistic needing to move 40+ miles from where I work would be impossible .... But traveling a long enough stretch around London would possibility work at balencing both. Anyhow that's why I'm on this forum ... To find out more and understand how it all works. Please give advice not insults2 points
2 points
Yep, that is one of the reviews I posted earlier. However our troll ignores facts that don't support his bias. Tony1 point
Let's see... Why woukd you write 'supposedly' if you believe that it works? Why should they? That test has been done many times in the past (I gave you two independent reviews earlier). If you want to do your own review then buy one. Again, you show that you either don't understand how SG works or don't believe it works. Personally I just think you're Trolling. Tony1 point
The tape across the opening sounds fine to me, as a temporary measure to minimise acid fumes. When the batteries are being charged from a low level, I don't think that much hydrogen will be emitted because all the charge going into the battery initially gets used changing the chemistry in the battery. It's only when it's fully charged and current is still put into it that the charge then starts generating hydrogen. An intelligent charger that reduces the current as the battery nears full charge shouldn't generate much (if any) hydrogen and hence the batteries shouldn't need topping up - 'sealed' batteries don't have an option for topping up and thus need to be intelligently charged.1 point
If someone says "I don't like it for my purposes" that's fine, but when someone says "I don't believe it works" or "It can't work" or "It can't be accurate" then of course folk defend it, because they know that those statements are rubbish. Tony1 point
I live in London a lot. There are things you must understand about London to live there. Theatres. These are for visitors, not for residents. Residents do not pay silly money for these nonsenses. In 40 years I have only been to the Hackney Empire for a couple of Panto's and that for the children. Jobs. Lower paid jobs require that you speak at least one foreign language. Speaking English is optional. Jobs. Higher paid jobs require that you live outside the Capital and commute in, even if the job could perfectly well be done at home with suitable organisation by the Employer. Transport. The best form of travel is by tube but these are packed so a very expensive extra service is being built to bring even more people in from the West. But this is alright because they are rich bankers. Ken made the bus service exceedingly good, but this is being corrected by blocking them with bicycles and introducing Boris's Blunder Buses. Housing. This is an interesting area as it is one where Market Forces are completely unable to operate. No matter how high housing costs get, pay rates do not rise. The solution is the hilarious concept of affordable housing. The popularity of boats for housing reflects the remaining market force which says that as the cost of housing goes up the size of the accommodation shall go down. Tip: The value of petite day boats will soon start to rise as their potential for London housing is realised. Invest now! Health. Take care where you live in London if you are not in the best of health. Soon there will be just one enormous, supper efficient, permanently bankrupt, hospital, serving all of the Capital, which could be quite a journey. Schools. Note that knives are required school equipment. Marches. If you are keen on protest marches, being a resident can save you time and even allow you to do two marches in a single day. The London as opposed to the National Anthem is simple to recognise as it only has two notes "Hoo" and "Haa" and is always accompanied by flashing blue lights. Legend has it that a true Londoner will pass away if heshe does not hear it at least once per day.1 point
The only good thing that comes out of reading this dross is that surely we can now, once and for all, accept that the anti-CRT agenda of NBW is so extreme as to preclude credence being given to ANYTHING that they write. There is not a scrap of evidence that anything untoward has gone on. Rather, it would appear that one of her nominees wasn't valid.1 point
Whenever a case goes to court it means that either a boater has behaved badly, CaRT has behaved badly, or both have behaved badly or at the very least failed to communicate in a decent way. It also means that money that should have been spent on the cut has been used to make solicitors even wealthier. What on earth is there to rejoice about? .....................Dave1 point
1 point
If only used occasionally it is better to fully discharge ni-cads between each use. L-ions prefer to be left charged between uses, as must lead-acids.1 point
Oh dear I've just re advertised my boat delivery services, still with 40000 boats on the system I'm sure they'll be plenty of work to go around. ? Damn have I just advertised myself?.....I'll get on the norty step!1 point
Yes, so long as it doesn't go into flood, it's a really lovely river. Just keep your eye on the weather and the river levels at locks and on the EA site, and enjoy. Try to avoid getting caught in flooding at sileby!1 point
Could be a chemistry teacher, or might just have looked at the liquid in the canal ...1 point
Could you elaborate on that a little. I find your boundless joy and support for squandering large sums of money on a spiteful and pointless exercise such as this, somewhat difficult to understand.1 point
This the second time in as many days that you have asked that. Is no one allowed to ask for information on the forum any longer, must they scuttle off to an internet search engine? You do not seem to realise that some people could find your attitude offensive.1 point
Excellent move. I looked at boat adverts every day for about 18 months. By the time it came to buy a boat I had an almost instinctive idea of values. When I saw the boat I eventually bought advertised I said to my girlfriend "This one has been seriously undervalued". I agreed a price of £23,160 for it, when I had it surveyed the surveyor valued it at £27,000-£28,000.1 point
Why not have a business section,?where traders can pay to advertise there business and rates phone number contact or website details Especially for forum members. Boat movers,plumbers, electrics This would help the traders business, and above anything else help forum members to find a good source of realiable people. Word of mouth is the best advertising, especially members of the forum, and this forum really really benefits all boaters new old and decrepid. We have a sales and wanted section, why not have a business section, not just a advert but what they do pricing etc. this could also help the running of the forum, maybe get some burgees made up with the proceeds,or site maintenance. Or had this been done Going to have another look just in case I made a prat of myself again1 point
We have a flexible tank from Duratank. It's made from hovercraft skirt material. It's very good and they are an excellent company to deal with. Steve1 point